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to expect a proper apology fro Mothercare for appalling service

229 replies

ChrisandChristina · 11/03/2011 19:17

I have vowed never to use Mothercare again.

A sales assistant was so rude to my wife in their Brighton shop that she was reduced to tears.

The manager was useless when I complained to her and simply waffled on about investigating the incident I.E standard meaningless management speak

When I complained in writing to Mothercare customer services they sent us a £15 gift card to 'offset our disapointment'.... what an insult.

I will never spend another penny with them.

Just wondered if this was common for them and what experiences other people had had there.

OP posts:
Ormirian · 14/03/2011 13:18

Bit late but I have to say that you sound a bit unpleasant OP. Sorry your wife was upset but also sorry for the poor shop assistant.

So glad I don't work in retail

CPtart · 14/03/2011 14:18

Save your will need it!!

Rosenw2 · 30/07/2015 20:31

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ilovesooty · 30/07/2015 20:34

Are you going to bump every zombie thread about Mothercare just to make your point?

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