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to be completely mystified by people taking a moral stance over sexuality?

56 replies

Grandhighpoohba · 02/03/2011 11:24

I mean, what difference does it make to anybody?

I find Boris Johnson physically unattractive. I cannot conceive of a situation in which I would wish to have sex with him. But there are people out there who not only fancy him, but who have had sex with him. This does me no harm. It harms no other human being. Why would I take a moral stance on this?

If consenting adults wish to have sex, set up home together, whatever, what business is it of anyone else? I just don't get it.

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HalfTermHero · 03/03/2011 22:06

YANBU. As long as they are consenting adults I could not care less whose genitals are getting sucked/fucked and by whom.

GrimmaTheNome · 04/03/2011 00:15

SGB - no, just the first totally unfanciable name that came to mind and I don't read enough gossip columns to know who's (doing) who.

Tiggy - the word 'homophobia' has a wide variety of definitions.

From a discussion in Wiki:' Definitions refer variably to antipathy, contempt, prejudice, aversion, and irrational fear.'. In these debates its prejudice (and discrimination) which are generally meant. The 'phobia' is nearly as misleading as the 'philia' in paedophilia.

SpringchickenGoldBrass · 04/03/2011 00:36

Grimma: Fair enough, but a few years ago he was pretty much the byword for shagaround, unfaithful man... one of his XWs wrote a whole batch of articles about how he couldn't keep his cock in his pants and he wrote a few about monogamy being unnatural (he may have had a big of a point about that but pretty much every Ethical Slut of my acquaintance would have run screaming from him).

GrimmaTheNome · 04/03/2011 08:47

SGB - pardon my ignorance, I defer to you greater knowledge Grin

Mind you, casting around for other notably unfanciable examples of mankind, they've all been of this ilk to greater or lesser extents. Maybe they've more to prove than nice guys?

SpringchickenGoldBrass · 04/03/2011 11:25

I don't think Jeremy Clarkson has much form for unmonogamous behaviour .

Grandhighpoohba · 04/03/2011 15:54

See, that was my problem when I thought about rewording the op, all the examples of men I don't fancy turn out to be adulterers. John Prescott anyone? Jim Davidson?

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