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to not want to listen to music made by paedophiles?

56 replies

TheFeministParent · 27/11/2010 08:21

Only DH keeps playing Gary Glitter Christmas song and the occasional bit of Michael Jackson.....

OP posts:
Desiderata · 27/11/2010 19:40

Yes, but in the Deep South, it was common for fourteen year old girls to be married. At least Elvis didn't marry her at that age.

There was no law against it. Elvis simply cannot be alluded to as a paedo. Have you seen how grown up she looked at their wedding?

PatFig · 27/11/2010 19:36

how about Elvis?
he met Priscilla when she was 14 and some authers describe him as a paedophile

MJ was a genius who did a lot for charity.So that is ok then. Some paedophiles are abused as children so does that excuse what they do? after all they are victims themselves

Its nice to see the spelling nazis are out again

pagwatch · 27/11/2010 18:15

In fairness johnathan king did have the grace to be a pedophile and also lack any talent, ability or charm thus negating any moral listening dilema

Animation · 27/11/2010 18:11

Yes I saw your link - scary man.

Animation · 27/11/2010 18:09

Jonathan King, "Everyone's Gone to the Moon."

tethersend · 27/11/2010 18:07

Is no-one else pissing themselves appalled at my link?


TheFeministParent · 27/11/2010 17:59

Jimmy Page? come on spill.

OP posts:
said · 27/11/2010 17:55

I'm with you Lovecat. Chuck Berry was dodgy as well but I wouldn't stop listening to his music. MJ and RK I can easily give a swerve

Lovecat · 27/11/2010 17:50

Am I the only person here who will admit to liking GG's music? I was a child in the 70's and I thought his stuff was at least as good as Slade and The Sweet - and I liked that the Glitter Band had 2 drummers.

Doesn't make me a paedophile sympathiser and tbh I find it difficult to get really outraged about this issue - as his music wasn't actually spliced-up samples of the children he abused, can we not divorce one from t'other?

PrematureEjoculation · 27/11/2010 17:48

YABU. many of the people i admire for their music undoubtedly had sex with underage girls and boys.

it doesn't change the music. it would perhaps, influence whethe i wanted to pay tp listen or not - if they are alive.

TondelayoSchwarzkopf · 27/11/2010 17:46

Sorry take off Vladimir Nabokov - didn't mean to include him - was still there from a broader point I was making but decided against.

TondelayoSchwarzkopf · 27/11/2010 17:45

What about the Rolling Stones? (Bill Wyman) What about Jerry Lee Lewis? What about Jimmy Page / Led Zep? Roman Polanski films? Vladimir Nabokov?

Where do you draw the line?

Bue · 27/11/2010 17:44

Pedophile is a perfectly legitimate spelling. (If you're from my part of the world, anyway.)

But sort of beside the point, I know.

TheFeministParent · 27/11/2010 17:37

For me sexual violence of any sort puts me off, Pete Townsend would be included.

OP posts:
TheFeministParent · 27/11/2010 17:35

Ryoko Sat 27-Nov-10 14:16:34
What about the other reason, people who can't spell pedophile, peadophile what ever it is, it's easier to write.

paedophile. not pedophile or peadophile.

OP posts:
Kaloki · 27/11/2010 14:58

Never sure about this. With GG and MJ it's easy for me, as I don't like either of their songs. However, if someone I did like turned out to be criminal.. not sure.

There are already a lot of artists (painters etc) that I like the work of, but know they are dodgy as all hell. It's a bit difficult really.

I think for me personally, whether it is wrong or right, if I liked an artists work prior to finding out about the artist, then I will stilll like their work. But if I find out about the artist first, then it is harder to forget and value the art for it's own sake.

It also depends on whether you think the meaning of art is decided by the artist or the viewer. If the latter than the art is more personal to you, and it's easier to ignore the crimes of the artist.

tethersend · 27/11/2010 14:39
Gissabreak · 27/11/2010 14:28

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn

YuleBeLucky · 27/11/2010 14:27

I guess I just find it really hard to hear, say, 'Bille Jean' - a song from my childhood - and think 'Paedo alert! Turn it off!'

My brain doesn't work like that.

I'm not defending MJ, btw. He turned out to be a right weirdo. But I did love some of his music.

I also listened to a lot of hip hop growing up, and although I might not agree with the lyrics nowadays (I can clearly remember how much I LOVED 'Fuck the Police' or 'Cop Killer' as a teenager, for example), it doesn't stop me loving those tracks for nostalgic reasons.

onimolap · 27/11/2010 14:20

I take it you don't watch "Tommy" then.

I'm surprised about the acceptance of drug abuse, when that is such a life wrecker too, not to mention other crimes, especially those associated with the rap scene.

Incidentally, most if GG's output predated the charges made against him, so I don't think anyone claims they are a factor in his creativity (can't see why anyone would, actually).

pagwatch · 27/11/2010 14:19

Hahaha. Counts!

Fucking iPad....

pagwatch · 27/11/2010 14:18

I will add that as an option c. Good point ryoko.

And perhaps I need to add d which is illiterate counts.

I need a spreadsheet....


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CraigRevelPan · 27/11/2010 14:18

YABU - so don't listen to music made by men convicted of offenses against children.

omni beat me to it. I separate the art from the artist, so Michael Jackson, Gary Glitter, R Kelly, no probs, though I haven't played RK or GG in years and won't start now.

So, no-one should listen to Wagner due to his political views?

MJ was a pop music and dance choreograghing wizard - a bit loopy yes, and one or two of his records were rubbish, but I 'grew up' with MJ and still have lots of his stuff on my i=pod. Anyone denying themselves due to his "being a peadophile" are mixing things up.

Ryoko · 27/11/2010 14:16

What about the other reason, people who can't spell pedophile, peadophile what ever it is, it's easier to write.

pagwatch · 27/11/2010 14:12

Kiddy fiddler is a term which always makes me think that the person using it either has no experience of abuse and doesn't really 'get it' or is a bit of a cunt.
One or t'other.

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