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To ask you all to abide these rules when shopping

174 replies

Ladyofthehousespeaking · 15/11/2010 17:24

I've namechanged as my boss is a mumsnetter-

I work in retail at a large pharmacy/beauty shop and I'm disgusted at the manners of mostly female customers. So if everyone could justfollow these I would be very grateful!

  1. Please don't throw your credit card down on the counter - you know how to use a chip and pin machine

  1. Don't call me a bitch because you don't have enough points on your loyalty card to pay for your disgusting perfume - I do not make the prices.

3.please acknowledge my presence as a human being - a simple nod will suffice although I am willing to wave this for busy mums with screaming kids and those on their lunch hour not accuse me of stealing £3.50 of your gift card, it is physically impossible for me to do so.

5.please and thankyou are expected.

  1. Please do not answer calls in the middle of my serving you ad completely stop what we are doing and immediately ignore me. You're decision of wholewheat linguine or organic canneloni can wait.

I love my job but all of these examples are from 30-40 year old well dressed women. It's baffling and demeaning.
OP posts:
OnceUponA · 15/11/2010 18:01

I feel so sorry for people who work in retail. It's shit. I used to work in a well known fast food restaurant when I was still at school- people would talk to you like shit because you 'only' worked in a shop. Also had no end of men making hilarious jokes 'is a 6 inch enough for you' 'no I've got a footlong' 'do you want a footlong' 'can you take a footlong'


Once I had to pick up a used tampon off the floor.

And a shit.


MissMarjoribanks · 15/11/2010 18:10

I used to work in a supermarket whilst doing my postgrad and the number of people who told me I couldn't know anything because I 'just' worked in a shop astounded me.

I'd had a shit day once, and a twat was trying to argue about something, I forget what. I was at the end of my tether.

Mr Twat: Anyway, what do you know young lady, you only work in a shop.

Me: Actually, sir, I am working in this shop whilst studying for my Master of Arts. But you wouldn't know what one of those was, would you?

Shut the idiot up. Grin I'm glad he didn't report me, though I imagine the management would have told me off in a halfhearted manner whilst being rather pleased I'd got one over him.

JarethThePomBearKing · 15/11/2010 18:10

OP, YANBU (of course)

and (not aimed at you OP) but I do wish some cashiers would hurry the fuck up when they're a queue of 20 people waiting to be served instead of moving at a snails pace

I worked in retail for years.. the rudeness of some people is astounding!

ProfYaffle · 15/11/2010 18:11

MmeL - The pub in Orford was the only place open, hot day, in need of a drink, not much choice. Similar the other shop, the alternative would be to order online, wait a week and pay extra for delivery. Won't be going back to either though.

girlylala0807 · 15/11/2010 18:11


Please dont swear at me when I offer to sell you a store card. Its my job. I have targets, and they are not made all hell breaks loose. I know you dont really want one but I dont really want to sell them either!

Dando · 15/11/2010 18:12

My dsis worked in a tres posh food shop one christmas and said the staff had a lovely time saying:

If you could just go the far queue, please sir/madam.

madamehooch · 15/11/2010 18:13

Here, here to the OP.

May I add a few:-

Please do not throw the books at me because they are not the same price as online.

Please do not come in two days before Christmas and swear at me because I cannot guarantee that your obscure book on french braiding will be here in time for Christmas.

Please don't moan that none of the books are in the right place when I have just watched your child empty an entire shelf which you have just left on the floor.

May I just add a word on behalf of Christmas temps. They are trained but there are some things they can only learn if they encounter them. Please be patient if they need to ask another member of staff a question. A lot of them are young and are not yet used to the bitter and twisted world of the Christmas shopping parent......

Dando · 15/11/2010 18:13

If you could just go to...

MissBubbles · 15/11/2010 18:18

i used to work for a well known retail grocery store, years ago, and one teenage lad who i refused to serve got all threatening, calling me all manner of names, and threatening to burn my house down with me in it, now he was well known in the area and was quite capable of this stuff has had been done for arson in past

unluckily for him, although i knew who he was, he didnt know who i was, therefore didnt realise that my sister knew him as hed once dated my neice (who dumped him when she realised what he was like) so i told my sister who had a word with him and his mum, his mum went mental at him and a few days later he came in and apologised and was always nice to me after that

ginhag · 15/11/2010 18:20

I don't know whether I'm just being a narky bitch but I really don't like the way the OP is phrased! It means it reads as if directed at whichever one of us is reading it... Which, when I would never in a million years do any of the things on that list, is somehow really grating.

I worked in retail for years, so I truly sympathise (some favourites were being called a 'skinny bitch' and discovering that there is such a thing as a watch/wrist pervert... Oh and the students that thought it was hilarious to throw eggs from their flat through our open shop door...)

But, mardy of me or not, I would have liked this thread better if it hadn't been presented as a list of rules, with the implication that the reader NEEDS the rules in order to behave like a human. I don't. And I'm sure a lot of other people don't either.

The3Bears · 15/11/2010 18:24

Shock how nice, Im always polite when paying for goods etc

But tbh some people who serve me can be horrible and rude especially in clothes shops

bumperella · 15/11/2010 18:27

ginhag... a wrist pervert..? Huh? Do I want to know...?

It's surely a minority of customers (of whatever demographic) who are rude... but how irritating that minority are! I used to work in an off-license as a student - the few-and-far-between horrific customers really were HORRIFIC.

MardyBra · 15/11/2010 18:30

Fair enough OP, as long as you don't try to sell me a chocolate orange or other, so called, half price chocolate.

ginhag · 15/11/2010 18:31

Well it could've been worse... But he was getting me to try on watches for his 'wife' and then got quite obviously...umm...aroused...and started talking about being a photographer and wanting me to model for him... It was all rather strange and not at all comfortable!

Having said that I was also once working on the basement floor of a shop, on my own, and realised my only 'customer' had his hand down his trousers... [freakmagnet emoticon]

deaddei · 15/11/2010 18:32

I worked for 20 years as a retail manager (starting at the bottom).
I remember a vile woman with her 15 year old dd, sneering at one of my loveliest young assistants "that's what you'll end up doing if you don't work hard at school". Angry
I took delight in getting the security guard to remove her from the store.
And yes she complained about me.
I wish sales assistants would learn to fold things properly- I do not want to arrive home with a garment creased to hell because you have stuffed it in a bag.

constantlytired · 15/11/2010 18:32

I used to work in a well-known bank and the stories I could tell....when a customer in line collapsed with a heart attack, the people behind him stepped over him as they weren't about to lose their place in the queue and oh, could we please keep cashiers serving whilst this was going on as they were in a rush...absolutely disgusting.

roomonthebroom · 15/11/2010 18:33

YANBU at all.

My student job was in a well known children's shoe shop and a woman brought her kids in with the uniform list for her private school. She said to her child 'now we need trainers which are predominantly- then looked at me and said 'that's MAINLY white'. I wanted to say, yes I know you silly cow, I have an English degree, but I said nothing.

I did manage to get my revenge a few years later when she came into the English department I was managing as a supply teacher and gave her all the difficult classes. And I reminded her I used to work in Clarks at every opportunity. :o

bellasmama · 15/11/2010 18:34

ProfYaffle, you must have had the same snotty git serving you in Orford as I did. I asked for a diet coke and he then snottily said I really should have a Sicillian Lemonade or a locally pressed apple juice and I wanted a frigging coke!!! He also had a go at us when my then 3 year old dropped his spoon saying we were disturbing guests arriving for the weekend!
We have not been back!

Tidey · 15/11/2010 18:38

YANBU. Something that used to really bug me when I worked in a shop was that people would ignore the fact that I had held out a hand for the money and they'd just drop a load of change all over the counter for me to pick up.

TheUnmentioned · 15/11/2010 18:38

Well, I worked in a video shop and we fined someone for no returning a video (back in the day!) and he threatened to 'get us'.

We also had someone set fire to teh drop off box (for videos) and smash a colleagues car window. Lovely!

wigglesrock · 15/11/2010 18:50

deaddei yes also had that delightful, "this is where you'll end up if you don't work hard" comment directed at a child via me!! Of course I was happy enough to get my hourly rate and piss off on holiday with it Wink

zisforzebra · 15/11/2010 18:50

Tidey I used to work in retail and hated it when people did that to me. I just wanted to say "shop work isn't contagious!"

I don't think I'd ever want to go back to retail but I have just started at a call centre so might well change my mind! Grin


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Mowiol · 15/11/2010 18:51

I totally agree about the "only a shop worker" attitude - ridiculous mindset.

I was watching a bit of "Come Dine with Me" a few nights ago and there was a woman who was very miffed that one of the guests had guessed she maybe worked in a shop.
She didn't - but she said something along the lines of "I don't rate working in a shop very highly". Or words to that effect!!

I wanted to throw something at the TV! Horrible attitude - why are shop workers considered in that way?

sarah293 · 15/11/2010 19:00

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musicmadness · 15/11/2010 19:03

YANBU - I can't believe people have actually pissed/worse on the floor! Yuck!

The worst I had was when a woman decided to change her tampon in the middle of the shop floor, then casually flung the old one underneath a rail of clothes leaving a trail of blood behind itShock. Security removed her but I was the poor unfortunate one who had to clean it up
I think I would rather that than some of the other stories on here though!
What on earth comes over some people in shops?

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