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Is this good enough? NEED HELP QUICK PLS

36 replies

anothernewname09 · 04/11/2010 17:21

(D)H has just told me that partners at a firm he wants to deal with are coming for dinner! at 8.30!!

Some blah blah about them being in the area....

Dessert- bash up biscuits, stir in a little melted butter (like a biscuit base) put in bottom of tall glass but loose.

whip cream, stir in halved fresh strawberrys.

plonk on top of biscuit,

top with more fresh strawberries and dark chocolate shavings.

is it 2 much of a cheat. Bear in mind i have 14month DD to feed,bath, put to bed. House to tidy and get myself presentable??

I could shoot DH!

Sorry for very bad typing, doing it quick and one handed!

OP posts:
anothernewname09 · 05/11/2010 10:32

To be honest I was stressing last night but every thing was pretty easy as the main just went in the oven whilst I went about my evening, dessert was super quick, and I only reheated the soup!!

I would of quite enjoyed if the company would of been better. I really didn't enjoy it.

DH knows it was a bit of a liberty, but he owns an advertising firm and contracts have to be signed up so quick it's just the way it is.

Anyway we were going away this weekend anyway (baby free) so he can treat me to an extra hour at the spa!

OP posts:
BrainMash · 05/11/2010 10:06

Amazing indeed....I'm feel rather inadequate now Grin

Thank goodness DH is a builder, and the most his guests expect is a mug of tea Grin

TrillianAstra · 05/11/2010 09:56

Wow, that is an amazing last-minute dinner!

mummytime · 05/11/2010 09:46

I think you did brilliantly. But please don't forget to remind him that he owes you!

I've been married 20 years this year, and such are the foundations of a long marriage. (Although DHs boss is lovely, and would graciously eat beans on toast even though he is a foodie if he descended here.)

anothernewname09 · 05/11/2010 09:28

Little Miss- thanks for the support however im fairly hopeful that most other comments were is jest?? Maybe I am being naive?

As people have said, it would of been lovely to have more time but unfortunatly the meeting was needed, we couldnt go out because of DD, so that was the only option.

It is not an ideal but this is the way we live. DH works long hours and yes at times a situation like last nights comes up, but that is our business.

By supporting DH like this means I dont have to work, I can spend all day with DD and we live a very comfortable life. To me my life is perfect for me.

Anyway all I needed is to know that if you were coming over you wouldnt look at that dessert and think CHEAT!

Thanks for the posts

OP posts:
bonfireblue · 05/11/2010 07:36

if DH did this he would be doing the cooking I think Smile

He definitely owes you big time!

melikalikimaka · 05/11/2010 00:18

I would like a bit of notice though, wouldn't you?

LittleMissHissingFirecracker · 05/11/2010 00:13

Why is the OP getting stick?

Is it so hard to believe that some people, women/partners/wives actually COOK once in a while? Or that they would entertain DH colleagues?

It's not big, nor clever to say Oh I'm shit at cooking so if he wants to eat/entertain or whatever then he can do it himself or take himself/me/them out. This attitude really pisses me off, it's like competitive culinary crapness.

It is not rocket science to produce an adequate meal these days, there are a billion cookbooks, a billion cheats, pre-prepared bits and pieces and a whole host of online videos to refer to. Practice makes perfect. I couldn't cook really when I got married, I tried, I reheated, I roasted, but I didn't cook. I ended up in Egypt thrown in the deep end with all ingredients literally from scratch. Not even tinned tomatoes.

I learnt.

To simply giggle and say Ooh, if you are waiting on me to cook, you'll all starve to death.. teee bloody hee!

It's just not on in this day and age. If we can be equal to men, if we can hold any job we wish, why can't we be seen to cook? It's just as much a skill as anything else, and it's pretty bloody important to life.

What does this non-participation in what we eat teach our DC? Nothing except which takeaway to order.

My dad often used to bring colleagues back for dinner. My mum loved it, and she is no Stuck in the 1950s housewife!

OP didn't come on here and say AIBU to be pissed off/stressed about DH partners coming to dinner, she came on asking for an opinion on the dessert.

Which sounded great!

anothernewname09 · 04/11/2010 23:34

Woman has gone, the man and DH are talking downstairs and I have excused myself to the bedroom.

I cant believe I have had to be nice to these people for three hours.

The highlight was when DH went to take coats and the lady asked "where is the cloakroom?" I replied "on the stairs!!" Grin hehe small things......

OP posts:
ShirleyGunpowderPlot · 04/11/2010 20:33

Hello Margot Leadbetter!

anothernewname09 · 04/11/2010 20:30

They are here, wish me luck...x

OP posts:
schnauzerinamanger · 04/11/2010 19:02

Sounds great. Would be lucky to get tinned peaches in my house!

As an aside does anyone remember Dream Topping, we always used to have tinned fruit with Dream Topping. If we were really lucky the fruit would all be arranged on one of those revolting pre made flan case cartwheels. Remember them as well?

Think seventies and eighties mums thought they were the height of sophistication.

iamamug · 04/11/2010 18:57

Sounds fab - have a few drinks and stop worrying - you've done a great job..

thereisalightanditnevergoesout · 04/11/2010 18:52

23? Blimey - I couldn't do all this now and I'm nearly 37!

I'm impressed :)

ForMashGetSmash · 04/11/2010 18:13

Golly...if anyone treats you like a child you're entitled to act like one! Argue over who getss the biggest dessert and stamp your foot if nobody helps clear up! Grin

anothernewname09 · 04/11/2010 18:11

Oh okay I get it! Unfortunatly it pays the bills!

Although obviously sex tonight is way out of the question! Im sure a perfect 1950s wife would be able to do it all!

am not looking forward to this, I hate these people. Im 23 and they are mid forties and im sure they are going to treat me like a child all night.

Oh well best get drunk......

OP posts:
ForMashGetSmash · 04/11/2010 18:06

I know what Duck meant! It was the first thing that came to my mind! Tis like an episode of Bewitched or I love Lucy!

Oh Darren darling! I wish you'd give me some warning before inviting important gentlemen home for dinner! Never mind...I'll just change into my evening dress and whip up a four course dinner!

No offence OP! But it's such a foreign idea to some of us! My DD would NEVER do that to me! He knows I would suggest he cooked for his clients or take them out!

ethelina · 04/11/2010 18:00

Sounds like a good idea, i second the icing sugar idea though if you have it in.

Bloody sight better than I can come up with, thinking of whats in my cupboards.

Good luck, hope it goes well.

anothernewname09 · 04/11/2010 17:59

Namey- Whats unbelievable?? Like your name its a bit like mine!!

OP posts:
anothernewname09 · 04/11/2010 17:58

What the duck- im sorry I dont get it - 1957? Hmm

Okay dessert done, kitchen and lounge done, dinner in oven, all DDs pink plastic tat toys shoved upstairs.

Luckily I had a pea soup frozen so am going to warm up, fry off some chorizo and put on top off soup.

Luckily my butcher, who we are friends with had a big roll of pork stuffed with sun dried tomatos and over bits. He has told me to shove it in the oven, carve and serve on a big wooden board. Roast potatos in oven. will do greens when they get here.

DH getting wine.

Poor neglected DD has had cold sausage sandwich for tea Blush she will be in bed for 7.30 - 8ish. then ill get ready.

Have I forgot anything?

Thanks for all the comments about how they are here to see us, but iv met this couple and they are, to be honest, like the bad couple off of beethoven, you know the ones that are rude and want the dad to sign a contract and beethoven takes them for ride on the chairs?

have I remembered everything??

GTG thanks guys!

OP posts:
nameymcnamechange · 04/11/2010 17:56

This is unbelievable.

Stangirl · 04/11/2010 17:53

I think you're a saint. My DP would be told to F off if he expected me to cook out of the blue like that. It sounds absolutely delicious and i hope you're appreciated.


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WhatsThatDuckDoingThere · 04/11/2010 17:44

Blimey, do you live in 1957?

doireallywant3 · 04/11/2010 17:42

mmmmmm can i come too?

TheProvincialLady · 04/11/2010 17:30

Sounds lovely. Uf you have time you could, puree some of the strawberries with a bit of icing sugar to semi mix in with the cream, or pour over.

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