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To think 'Fawlty Towers' just wasn't funny?

97 replies

peggotty · 22/10/2010 21:43

It's always feted as one of the best british sitcoms of all time, but it just wasn't particularly funny was it? It was just John Cleese ranting. And being manic.

In fact, most British sitcoms are shit. Why is this, if we are supposed to have such a wonderful sense of humour? (Or is it just me who has no sense of humour Shock)

OP posts:
horMOANSnomore · 22/10/2010 22:04

And Harry and Paul are just awful - they make me cringe.

Goblinchild · 22/10/2010 22:05

Blackadder, yes Smile

BetsyBoop · 22/10/2010 22:06


I've watched it too many loads of times, can quote it word for word and it still makes me laugh out loud.

BetsyBoop · 22/10/2010 22:06

yes, yes Blackadder is fab too :)

Surprise · 22/10/2010 22:10

FT was very funny at the time because it was refreshingly different. But over time it has become just another farce and is only funny in a nostalgic way I think.

Parts of Monty Python are fabulous but, as with all comedy, parts of it are not even remotely funny. I think Only Fools has stood the test of time well, probably becuase it's more about relationships than situations.

peggotty · 22/10/2010 22:12

The only things I've laughed out loud at are Blackadder, The Mary Whitehouse Experience (remember that?!) and Come Dine With Me.

OP posts:
RockBat · 22/10/2010 22:16

You are being so unreasonable that I don't know where to start! I have to go and lie down for a bit...

peggotty · 22/10/2010 22:20

Lol Rockbat! Here, have a whiff of these smelling salts and tell me why I'm so wrong?!

OP posts:
GoreRenewed · 22/10/2010 22:21


2shoeprintsintheblood · 22/10/2010 22:30


ExtraordinarySandwiches · 22/10/2010 22:36

FT was fab! What is wrong with you? YABVVVU!

mumeeee · 22/10/2010 22:41

YABU Fawlty Towers was very funny I loved it.

cakewench · 22/10/2010 22:44

Fawlty Towers makes me laugh. I'm not British, though, so I suppose that needs to be taken into consideration.

My German husband says Dad's Army was quite popular there when he was growing up. [hgrin]

SkeletonFlowers · 22/10/2010 22:45

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ExtraordinarySandwiches · 22/10/2010 22:47

What, just read the thread and you don't like Dad's Army either Shock [faints]. It still makes me laugh, total classic.

There are loads of good sit coms, (or am I just easily pleased?) Alan Partridge, Black Books, Spaced, Terry and June...

SkeletonFlowers · 22/10/2010 22:49

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peggotty · 22/10/2010 22:52

YEs, I admit - Black Books and Spaced are both brilliant...

I suppose I'm thinking of stuff like 'My Family' and the like, which are bloody awful...

OP posts:
AreYouAFreudOfTheDark · 22/10/2010 22:52

Can't believe what the OP has started here... But at least she didn't invade Poland :o

I don't like much modern British comedy apart from black books, all the shows like little britain are utter tripe. IMHO.

stickylittlefingers · 22/10/2010 22:53

I do think a lot of those shows are now "out of context" so aren't as funny as they were... we don't really have hotels like that, the good life people aren't such recognisable types etc

But I have to pick up on the Monty Python not being funny. I remember whimpering with laughter at the "live at the hollywood bowl concert" - the living at the bottom of the lake sketch. Trouble at t'mill I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition sketch, bicycle repair man, the Lumberjack song...

And then the films "he's not the Messiah he's a very naughty boy" etc etc. Really, barely a day goes by when MP line doesn't pop into my head and make me smile.

pissovski · 23/10/2010 00:31

FT for me is the curate's egg. Some parts i love, but mostly its a bit meh. I do like some MP - Life of Brian and Holy Grail/Spamalot particularly. Also liked Ripping Yarns

For me, the classics are Open All Hours, Blackadder 2 - 4 and especially Porridge, all of which i can quote at length. The Good Life makes me giggle, as did Allo Allo Blush

I do like Black Books and Father Ted from the more modern era. Never enjoyed League of Gentlemen, Little Britain or The Office

winnybella · 23/10/2010 00:38


I love FT. It's the only thing guaranteed to make me laugh no matter how sad I'm feeling.

MardyBra · 23/10/2010 00:42

Love it.

It is so beautifully crafted. Every line counts. The only one which makes me (slightly) cringe is the German one, which is too contrived for my liking.

Monty Python is hit or miss IMO. Love Life of Brian. The one with the bloke vomiting everywhere is, well, like a bloke vomited everywhere.

yy to Blackader 2-4. Allo Allo was originally funny but went on for about 6 series too many.


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giraffesCantDookForApples · 23/10/2010 00:48

I love love love keeping up aqppearances.

fastedwina · 23/10/2010 01:09

yes but the German theme was a lot more relevant back then.

daisy5678 · 23/10/2010 01:16

YAB sooooooooooooo U. It's the best comedy ever.

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