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to not want the pin machine in the co-op to try to strike up conversation?

42 replies

nevergoogle · 28/07/2010 21:29

Today it was, "Do you have a pet?"

None of your fucking business pin machine.

"What next?" i said.

"Did you watch eastenders last night?"

"Are you sure you need onions?"

"If you were a drink what would you be?"


(anyway mid rant the woman at the till informed me she did infact watch eastenders last night and we agreed we both couldn't wait for thursdays episode)

but still, shut up machine.

OP posts:
sharbie · 31/07/2010 20:19


catinboots · 31/07/2010 15:16

it asked me if i had a pet yesterday too...

nevergoogle · 31/07/2010 13:21

YY sharbie, a cut the crap about receipts and whether the worthy machine thinks i should save paper, just give me the damn money and quick. perhaps cash machines could default to that mode if it's raining.

OP posts:
sharbie · 31/07/2010 12:45

at lunar

when are they going to do a button that says - 'just give me £20 NOW'

nevergoogle · 31/07/2010 12:43

huh?! really, that's brilliant.
I wonder what happens if you say no?

OP posts:
roisin · 31/07/2010 12:42

Is this really true? I want to go to the co-op now!

coolma · 31/07/2010 12:37

The one I use said 'would you like to support deaf people?'

nevergoogle · 31/07/2010 12:33

It asked me again if i had a pet yesterday.

This time i said yes.

What sort of statistics do you think they are hoping for? Surely the numbers are warped by asking the same person the same question?!

i like the german cocacola machine. kind of sexy in a porn star kind of way. that machine would be on a winner with me.

OP posts:
Blahrahrah · 31/07/2010 07:47

Ive never been to a co-op so I have no idea WHAT you are talking about, but this thread has given me the giggles!

vixma · 31/07/2010 00:12

Er...normally get one question from the payment bit....Not a big deal, love the Coop as it is very ethical.

KathyImLost · 31/07/2010 00:08

I always say thank you to cash machines. Can't help it. But yes, the pin machines in our co op do this too. I ignore them, if they want some market research they can pay me to do a yougov survey (tho I always lie on those so maybe not).

thelunar66 · 30/07/2010 23:30

Our cocacola machine at work suddenly requested Deutschmarks instead of the normal 80p.

I put in 80p anyway,

It said Danke.

Never did it again for anyone else.

I was weirded out

nevergoogle · 30/07/2010 23:25



OP posts:
nevergoogle · 30/07/2010 23:25

lmao that this thread made up half of the round up.

Aitch? explain yourself. do i get half your pay? (if you get paid that is) or maybe half of your invite to some fancy corporate do with boris johnson. (i need a word with him btw)

OP posts:
nevergoogle · 29/07/2010 19:10

shameless bump as i was enjoying this thread so much last night

OP posts:
nevergoogle · 28/07/2010 23:02

they do that in tescos too if you forget your clubcard.

it's best just to lie. Shhhh, don't tell them.

OP posts:
BertieBotts · 28/07/2010 23:00

Oh I hate it in Boots when they say "Do you have a Boots card?" and you say "Oh yes but it's at home" and they say "Ooh okay, I'll just validate your receipt then for you." I never ever take the receipts back in to get the points. What is the point of that.

nevergoogle · 28/07/2010 22:58

i lie.
i do have a card but have no idea where it is.

OP posts:
BertieBotts · 28/07/2010 22:57

The checkout girl always asks me in a bored tone "Do you have a membership card?" and doesn't seem to remember that I don't, despite the fact she must remember me as I regularly hold up the entire queue with my healthy start vouchers

nevergoogle · 28/07/2010 22:55

"you've forgotten your bags for life again haven't you?"

OP posts:
nevergoogle · 28/07/2010 22:40

"are you sure those shoes match that outfit?"

OP posts:
BertieBotts · 28/07/2010 22:26

Um... yes. I mean no. I mean twenty pounds cashback please.

No none of those responses make sense, you are clearly not a talking PIN machine


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nevergoogle · 28/07/2010 22:10

oi, where did you all go? i'm not MAD.

now i feel like a lonely pin machine trying to strike up conversation.

OP posts:
laweaselmys · 28/07/2010 22:03

I was really freaked out the first time that happened! I just take cash mostly though, and I forgot about the freaky machine.

Also co-op fairtrade crunchy White chocolate is yummy.

nevergoogle · 28/07/2010 22:02

i'll disagree with you there someguy.

in spar i always have to queue up with a junkie or drunk.

in co-op i have to queue with the old folks and their great shopping bags on wheels.

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