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Going abroad with DS (8mths) who has eczema, any tips ?

5 replies

mppaw · 02/09/2009 13:15

Off on holiday next wednesday and just looking for tips and advice re his eczema.
All I keep reading is the Sea will be really good for eczema, dont quite understand that. What sun cream do you recommend etc ?


OP posts:
Fluffypoms · 02/09/2009 14:02

Lol I like that, exactly what i would of said about my DP.

mppaw · 02/09/2009 13:51

I tell you what, if his skin does improve DP can come home and we can stay out there !!

OP posts:
Fluffypoms · 02/09/2009 13:47

Yeah I know, But thinkg of it if you have a sore or cut you would bathe it with salty water.
Maybe we will having to look into moving somewhere nice a sunny with lots of fresh sea water ah!
for the good of the kids ofcourse

Have a Fab Holiday x

mppaw · 02/09/2009 13:43

Thanks Fluffy will give the GP a call.
Weird that the salt helps it, you would think it would dry it out and irritate it.

OP posts:
Fluffypoms · 02/09/2009 13:26

tis true both sun and sea water help to clear up my dS eczema. think it is the salt in the water.. Your GP should give you sunscreen on prescription if you ask.

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