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Allergies and intolerances

Can i use cetirizine whilst breasfeeding?

3 replies

mammajammajive · 20/07/2009 21:32

hi everyone

this is my first post and i have a quick question

i have today been prescribed cetrizine by my doctor, i told him that i am presently breastfeeding and he said that this would be ok

i have since checked on the net and some sites say that this medication should not be used whilst nursing

has any mother taken this medication and was the baby ok?

i want to take the medication to get rid of my allergy but i cant if there is a slight chance it will harm my daughter

OP posts:
iwantitnow · 03/08/2009 21:13

Its fine I took it with both children during pregnancy and breastfeeding both are fine, although both have egg allergies but the reason I take the drug is my allergies so not surprising.

fishie · 21/07/2009 08:59

also kellymom is the bible of all things bf related

fishie · 21/07/2009 08:57

hello mammajammajive

bfn drugline info may help. otherwise it is probably better to repost your question in 'breast and bottlefeeding' topic, you are likely to get more responses.

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