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Allergies and intolerances

Allergy to Apples?

10 replies

misdee · 07/06/2008 20:00

dd2 had a very strange reaction yesterday.she was eating a bag of pre-sliced apples from morrisons (the sort of thing you put in lunch boxes) and she came up in nettle rash all around her mouth. it was quite bright and she said it hurt. she has eaten apples before, and even these apple bag these before as well with no problems.

what could have caused it? is it a proper allergy? or just something that might flare up at anytime?

she eats a relative additive free diet as her older sister reacts badly to food additives and colourings which make her reactions worse, asthma ezcema etc.

dd2 has asthma and eczema as well.

OP posts:
squilly · 24/06/2008 13:35

I have an apple allergy which developed in my 20's/30's (can't remember exactly when). I used to be able to eat apples and still lurve the smell, but can't eat them.

If I get even the slightest taste of raw apple, my stomach feels like I've been drinking gallons of rubbish cider and I feel very sick.

I also developed an allergy to penicillin in my youth, so it's not unknown for kids to suddenly develop an allergy.

Sorry to hear about this. AS someone said earlier, cooked apples are often fine, but the raw ones just have to be off the menu! I can still eat pears though, so mabye that's an alternative for you???

misdee · 23/06/2008 15:37

happened again today. she has come home from school with a rash round her face, she had an apple at the end of the school day.

think its definatly an allergy now.

OP posts:
swerve · 08/06/2008 07:50

I am allergic to apples (and birch trees - it's a common co-resistance allergy). I get lumps and a rash round and in my mouth. Allergies are to the proteins in the skin of the apple, which is killed when they are cooked. So cooked fine, peeled ok, just straight is the real problem.

How old is dd? Allergies can come (and go) over time. Try an organic apple to see if it's apple in general or the pesticides or wax that are put onto the apples.

lizziemun · 07/06/2008 21:18

I also have the reaction with gratefuit,peaches and necterines.

jicky · 07/06/2008 21:04

my dh has a reaction to apple skin. Can't remember if he was told it was the chemicals or actually the skin. It only started in the last few years, so maybe it is chemicals? He sometimes eats peeled apples and I think they are fine when cooked in things.

misdee · 07/06/2008 20:47


guess she wont be having those again.

OP posts:
lizziemun · 07/06/2008 20:39

I have this reaction from apples also my tongue swells and my throat closes up. But only if they are shop bought.

I think it is one of the chemicals they spray on them when growing, as i am alright with our homegrown apples.

I also have slight asthma and eczema.

misdee · 07/06/2008 20:36

thats what i thought. but it wasnt listed on the pack as anything added. just 100% apples.

bloody labelling drives me mad.

OP posts:
busymum1 · 07/06/2008 20:35

probably the added ingredient to stop apples going brown probably been changed since he last had them

busymum1 · 07/06/2008 20:34

probably the added ingredient to stop apples going brown probably been changed since he last had them

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