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Allergies and intolerances

If you are invited back for a follow up appointment after allergy tests does that mean it is bad news?

8 replies

SleepIsForTheWeak · 09/02/2008 15:16

we had 2 tests done: the first ones came back with moderate allergies to tomatoes and sesame seeds.
the 2nd lot were for peanuts, but they have not posted the results like last time,
Am thinking the worst

OP posts:
SleepIsForTheWeak · 11/02/2008 21:18

good point, thank you

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taniashort · 11/02/2008 19:01

I agree that things are probably OK here - if there were a serious allergy found they would have to tell you about it immediately to avoid ingestion - good luck!

cherryredretrochick · 10/02/2008 07:42

I am sure it is standard to go back for a follow up if they were with the GP. My dd had lots of tests recently for horrid things and I rang everyday to see if the results were back, on the Friday they said yes they are back, Me well what are they, well you will have to make an appointment with thedoctor. So we didn;'t end up getting the results until the next week.

I think GPs like to talk everything through.

Good luck.

SleepIsForTheWeak · 10/02/2008 01:58

well I guess time will tell!!

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SleepIsForTheWeak · 10/02/2008 00:43

anyone else?

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SleepIsForTheWeak · 09/02/2008 19:41

It was through the GP.
The reason we had 2 lots done is that he has suspectd nut allergy, we went infor the blood tests, but the did not take enough blood (grrrrrrrrrrr) so tested for everything EXCEPT nuts, and we had to go back to give more blood!
I hope it is just standard to go back for a follow up appt with any allergy.

OP posts:
princessmel · 09/02/2008 15:21

Maybe they just want to talk things through with you.

How did you get them done? Was it through gp or private if you don't mind me asking. Its really hard to get tested round here.

princessmel · 09/02/2008 15:21

Maybe they just want to talk things through with you.

How did you get them done? Was it through gp or private if you don't mind me asking. Its really hard to get tested round here.

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