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Mosquito bites - foot like a balloon

11 replies

bobs · 08/09/2007 22:24

DD1 got bitten - think it was mosquitoes - and her foot has really swollen up today and is now like a balloon and throbbing. has anyone any ideas on what is best to use?

OP posts:
McEdam · 08/09/2007 23:29

If it's swollen up that dramatically she really does need to see a doc. I had what sounds like a similar reaction to your dd's to an insect bite - turned out I'd developed cellulitis and really did need antibiotics or could have got very nasty.

babymutha · 08/09/2007 23:07

Agree about the calamine - the absolutely BEST thing ever I've put on them was medicated calamine lotion (kind of menthol) but that was in Romania - haven't been able to find it here.

Wilkie · 08/09/2007 22:48

Calomine works wonders on the itching too

babymutha · 08/09/2007 22:38

I am allergic to the little busturds - and hydrocortisone cream makes it worse for me - she may not have got infected, she may have just been bitten in a strategic place.
Try piriton if you want an antihistamine tablet OR after many years of insane swelling/itching/welts and scars I find rubbing alcohol on them takes some of the heat out and then after 3/4 days they seem to retreat - does she have any small blisters appearing around the bite area?

bobs · 08/09/2007 22:32

Ok thanks guys

OP posts:
kidsrus · 08/09/2007 22:30

I use hydro-cortisone cream on bites which spread and flare up it works well for me.
Enquire at your 24hr chemist they will give you the best advice

bobs · 08/09/2007 22:29

Have got some hayfever tablets containing antihistamine loratadine so have given her one of those

OP posts:
donnie · 08/09/2007 22:28

this happens to me sometimes. She will probably need antibiotics as the bite will have got infected. get to the GP asap.

bobs · 08/09/2007 22:26

Which one? She is 13

OP posts:
Frizbe · 08/09/2007 22:25

yikes, have you given anti histimine for starters? if not might be an idea, but if really large foot, might be an idea to ring dr's/nhs direct, just in case of anything else?

brimfull · 08/09/2007 22:25

I would give her some anti-histamine orally if I were you.

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