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Allergies and intolerances

Teen suddenly developing reactions to various fruits. Any advice or insight please.

13 replies

OhMyGodTheyKilledKenny · 01/08/2019 11:04

We're not an "allergic" family IYSWIM, none of us have a history of any allergies (other than DD and kiwis, also a recent thing) but over the last year teen DS has developed any itchy throat and feels as if it's swelling slightly if he eats melon, nectarines, peaches and cherries.

It's honestly not that he's dodging eating fruit as he has always loved it and it's never been a problem before.

Why would this be happening now?
Is it likely to get worse (an acquaintance with allergies to similar fruit carries an EpiPen as her reaction is very serious).

We will go to the doctor about it but when we had similar with FD and kiwis he just said "don't eat kiwis" and mentioned oral allergy syndrome .

OP posts:
RandomMess · 02/08/2019 20:35

I have horrific silver birch tree allergy which is linked to a protein found in apples, pears and other fruit...

My mum was allergic to stoned fruits like your DS so bloody annoying!!

GinaCarbonara · 02/08/2019 20:25

I developed hay fever in my late teens and oral allergy syndrome in my twenties, it started with raw apples and now its cherries, plums, and some other stone fruit. My mum is the same but even worse, so mine might continue to get worse as well.

Cooked is fine, it's only raw. And so annoying as apples and cherries were my favourites! It feels like my throat has something stuck in it and I cough and cough, it's so uncomfortable

BlackAmericanoNoSugar · 02/08/2019 20:19

If he has hay fever and it's oral allergy syndrome related to that then it's not as worrying. I get oral allergy syndrome during birch pollen season (it was Mumsnet that first suggested it) and can't eat nuts. But I happily eat nuts for the rest of the year, it's not a real allergy it's increased sensitivity because of the hay fever.

OhMyGodTheyKilledKenny · 02/08/2019 20:15

Thanks for your comments.

It's so annoying that these things happen as it means DS is missing out on some lovely fruits that he previously enjoyed.

OP posts:
RockNRollNerd · 01/08/2019 20:20

Re being able to eat things after having your DS you may find that was because pregnancy has a massive impact on your immune system and can cause permanent changes. The same reason that things like MS can often be a lot better during pregnancy. It’s unpredictable though with allergies so anyone who is pregnant and has allergies shouldn’t just start trying foods to see if they are ok.

Itscoldouthere · 01/08/2019 18:58

I developed Oral Allergy Syndrome about 12 years ago it is part of having a tree pollen allergy.
Birch tree is the worst for me but I generally get hay fever between January - May/June.
I can’t eat lots of things that grow on trees raw, apples, pears, cherry, nectarine, kiwi etc. But they are fine if cooked.
I’ve recently developed issues when peeling potatoes.
I try these fruits every now and then, taking a small bite and see, the in the mouth itching happens quite quickly, you just have to stop eating if you get a reaction.
I’m fine with soft fruit, bananas, melon etc.
It’s all rather boring but something I’ve just got used to.
I was allergy tested at the ear, nose & throat hospital in London and given my DX.

LittleCandle · 01/08/2019 18:53

I developed horrendous hay fever in my mid-teens, to the point my eyes would swell shut. It literally happened overnight. Obviously it is nothing like as serious as you are describing, but it does happen. I grew out of it in my 40s and only have to take antihistamines for a few weeks about July. Allergies can just appear and the allergen load can build up over years before you have a reaction. I second getting him tested as soon as possible.

tangerine4 · 01/08/2019 18:46

I developed oral allergy syndrome in my late teens. No previous allergies. It started with kiwis, then went on to include cherries, pears, plums, peaches and a few others. My mouth and throat would feel itchy if I ate them, although I was fine if they were cooked. I just avoided the fruits that I would react to. About 10 years later, after I had had my DS, I realised that I could eat all of these fruits again. Sorry, not particularly helpful but just saying that he might not have it for the rest of his life.

OhMyGodTheyKilledKenny · 01/08/2019 18:33

Anyone else had any experience?

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differentnameforthis · 01/08/2019 12:03

I am no longer in dentistry, but yes, most places are or are going latex free.

Good luck!

OhMyGodTheyKilledKenny · 01/08/2019 11:36

Thank you. Yes a trip to the doctor will happen soon.

Latex allergy must be a difficult one in health professions, or do most places use latex free nowadays because of the increase in allergies.

OP posts:
differentnameforthis · 01/08/2019 11:22

If he is starting to develop a reaction with other fruit, it's likely that it is escalating. I think seeing a (better) dr would be worth it now, and get some tests done.

differentnameforthis · 01/08/2019 11:21

Melons, & peaches are related to kiwis, so that may be why he is reacting to them now. YOu can build up an allergy to these things over time.

They are also related to latex, so watch out for that too. I have latex allergy built up after prolonged use as a dental nurse, and Kiwi gives me symptoms, albeit milder but I avoid it now.

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