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bright red swollen legs

2 replies

keelou01 · 07/10/2018 14:08

Hiya, my 17 week old daughter had an episode yesterday that was quite scary. She had been fine all morning, not hungry , i had just gave her a clean nappy,but started out of the blue screaming uncontrollably(which she never does) my husband was trying to comfort her and i noticed her skin was red between her sock and leggings, i took them all off and her feet, ankles and legs were bright red and swollen from the top of her kness downwards,we rushed her to A&E and a doctor saw her legs and rushed her through, but after 15 mins they had gone back down and a normal pink colour and now shes been left with marks that look like stretch marks from the swelling. They sent us home as they were not concerned and told us to return if it came back. Because we cant find a reason and we havent changed anything and it just happened all of the sudden, the doctor didnt know and said it could be an irritation, She did have her 2nd round of vaccines 16 days before and have read a post about a reaction the same but from a few years ago, so i wondered if anyone else had experienced a similar so paranoid now and everytime she cries im checking her legs !!!Thanks xxSmile

OP posts:
keelou01 · 07/10/2018 22:50

To be honest i thought 16 days was alot, but i read a post from about 5 years ago with the exact same situation,you know i stopped washing new things 2 weeks ago now shes that bit older ,however these leggings were a set of 3 and she had worn another pair from the set a few days before, and other new things,she had them on for a couple of hours before it happened and was so happy, so its odd how all the sudden it hapoened , ive washed everything now, x

OP posts:
JiltedJohnsJulie · 07/10/2018 21:55

That must have been worrying but I’ve never heard of a reaction taking 16 days OP so can’t imagine it was the vaccines.

We’re the socks or leggings new? Was everything washed in your usual powder?

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