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Allergies and intolerances

Sorry, another baby lactose/CMPA question

2 replies

Thurlow · 30/01/2018 14:44

15mo has some allergies, eczema and possible asthma but nothing serious. He's always been on standard baby formula and has had no problem at all, and since weaning has eaten plenty of yoghurt, cheese and milk on cereal with no problems again.

However we belatedly started changing to cow's milk as his drink over the past few weeks, first mixing it with formula and for the past few days on his own. He's been increasingly windy over the past few days and last night was up all night with tummy ache: lots of passing wind, writhing, pulling his knees up - he also kept touching his throat, at first I thought he had a sore throat but with the other symptoms I started wondering whether it was more like acid reflux. This is not something he's ever really suffered from before.

Is it possible that he can have some kind of intolerance that means he can tolerate small amounts of cow's milk in food but not to have it as an actual drink? What would he be likely to have an issue with then, protein or lactose? Or am I barking up the wrong tree?

He's had hardly any issues on standard formula as a baby, bit gripey as a newborn but nothing out of the ordinary and certainly no signs of reflux or anything like that.

OP posts:
Thurlow · 31/01/2018 12:19

Thank you. I haven't looked at the milk ladder but we're very familiar with the egg ladder!

OP posts:
NowApparently · 30/01/2018 18:03

Have you attempted the milk ladder at all? Not all babies manage to complete it but will have a level at which they don't react. I'd speak to your dietician about it. As for the throat issue, that definitely sounds like a reflux flare-up.

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