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Allergies and intolerances

Replacing butter with oil: texture difficulties

11 replies

KatyMac · 10/11/2014 21:34

I make rice krispie cakes with cocoa, marshmallows & butter

To make them dairy free I need to replace the butter - when I use a similar weight of oil the krispie cakes are very very crunchy which is OK but they taste better more chewy

I can add glycerine which helps with the chewyness but adds an odd sweet taste

Is there anything else I could use?

OP posts:
blanklook · 29/12/2014 01:31

I've never had any problem with this using Pure Sunflower spread and marshmallows, dd's intolerances include cocoa.

What ratio of fat to marshmallows are you using?

This is Nigella's recipe for plain 'cake' try making it plain it to see if somehow your cocoa is putting a spanner in the works.

45 grams butter
300 grams mini marshmallows
180 grams Rice Krispies

DontBeBlueBeARainbow · 07/12/2014 04:17

You could get a baking block from the end of the butter aisle, very similar consistency to butter, mostly palm oil. I use it for a firm butter icing and replacing butter in non-baked things.

NotTheKitchenAgainPlease · 20/11/2014 18:46

Melting marshmallows with a bit of Pure or rice cream / milk will work and stick them together. It really does.

babybarrister · 20/11/2014 14:58

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KatyMac · 19/11/2014 20:41

The pure spread didn't stick it together Sad

OP posts:
Adarajames · 10/11/2014 21:55

I use the pure dairy free spread as avoid soya too

NotTheKitchenAgainPlease · 10/11/2014 21:53

Melting marshmallows helps stick them together and maybe add some rice cream (alpro does them) to loosen it up a bit.
The soya allergy is hard though as it's everywhere it seems.

Lindy2 · 10/11/2014 21:49

Pure is a dairy free spread that is good for cooking with. There are 3 varities soya, sunflower and olive. I think the soya or sunflower bake best.

KatyMac · 10/11/2014 21:47

I'm allergic to coconut & someone I cook for is allergic to soya & someone else I cook for is allergic to nuts

I do struggle somewhat

OP posts:
Giraffeski · 10/11/2014 21:46

I find coconut oil is good for this, as it is solid at room temp.
You can get stuff that's very neutral in taste and doesn't taste totally coconutty too of you aren't keen on it.

ilovepowerhoop · 10/11/2014 21:43

try a dairy free spread?

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