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Allergies and intolerances

Eczema - a miracle cream maybe?

53 replies

LastChance · 19/08/2006 16:38

My ds (aged 2 and a half) had eczema pretty badly behind his knees. It was really itchy and red and sore and he hated having any cream put on it (tried Diprobase and oilatum in the bath).
Had a chat with a friend about it (cos I suffer too on my fingers) and she recommended Chinese herbal remedies. So, off I went and got a little pot of crushed herbs (costs ?6 for a tiny pot) and started putting it on ds. (It's brown and slightly gritty - and she made it especially for a small child)
Within TWO days it had pretty much cleared up completely. He's now totally clear and I'm only on the second pot (lasts ages cos you only need to use it sparingly). You have to keep using it cos it's not a cure but I think its well worth it and just thought I should share it with you all.

OP posts:
Faith1107 · 12/07/2011 13:51

Yes, I discovered that the Abido cream has one of the steroids secretly added in. Read about it here in this
It explains the abido cream and all the warnings about it.

Hope it helps.

kisjuliska · 25/01/2015 04:27

Just wanted to share what helps us with eczema.
Chamomile flowers. (I buy mine in Tesco £4 but if you can buy organic, much better)
Purify some water (you can find videos of this on you tube but please avoid plastic)
You don't need much water, about 1liter.
As you put your fireproof dish in the water add about 2 tablespoons of the chamomile flowers and let it brew there as the water is boiling.
You will only need about half a cup of the purified water-chamomile liquid because you want the liquid to be strong.
Let the flowers brew for about 20 minutes altogether then put it through a sieve and apply to the skin as needed. Start using it when it has cooled down pop a cotton bud in to wipe the skin or use your clean hands on a bigger area.
I use this on my 2 year old. I think it does sting her a bit as she does cry sometimes(but so do some of the creams we put on them) and it only lasts for a few seconds afterwards she calms down and stops scratching.
It will dry the skin but heal it at the same time. Use your usual moisturiser after it has dried up or while still wet.
I find this especially useful when she scratches so bad that she bleeds. I wipe over it , she stops scratching, it quickly dries up then I apply moisturiser.

GColdtimer · 25/01/2015 04:59

Pure coconut oil worked for us. Dd has grown out of it now thankfully.

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