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Allergies and intolerances

cooking with soya milk

5 replies

dreamchocolate · 14/05/2006 12:09

I know there are lots of allergy free cook books, but when following a recipe from a standard childrens cook book can I just substitute the milk for soya milk, or would that be disgusting?

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mymama · 15/05/2006 05:03

That is what I did. I thought it tasted disgusting but my ds didn't as he only knew the taste of soya milk. Most disgusting smelling/tasting thing I ever came across was soya cheese and my ds devoured tons of the stuff!

gigwig · 15/05/2006 10:51

I do this too, and use rice milk usually. I find it is best to heat up the milk alternatives much more slowly than cows milk, especially when making a milk based sauce, the more gentle the heating, the better it is.

dreamchocolate · 15/05/2006 15:53

That's really helpful, thanks! What is rice milk btw?

OP posts:
gigwig · 15/05/2006 17:42

rice milk is just an alternative to soya milk - tastes light, quite fresh. Can buy it most supermarkets.

dreamchocolate · 16/05/2006 08:30

Thanks Gigwig, I'll check it out

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