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Tofu for 7 month old. Is it ok to give

5 replies

Babymay1 · 07/02/2013 03:37

Have read conflicting advice re soya. Do you think it's ok to give my 7 month old tofu ?

OP posts:
Babymay1 · 09/02/2013 08:10

Thank you all, reassuring

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MolotovCocktail · 07/02/2013 10:14

Oh yeah, both my girls have had Quorn products as soon as they turned 6mo! DD1 is 4yo and does not have any food intolerance problems. DD2 loves chomping on the 'chicken' strips. All good :)

BabyRoger · 07/02/2013 10:10

Cauldron website says it is fine for babies unless they have an intolerance:


BabyRoger · 07/02/2013 10:05

My baby has been having tofu since 6 months (now 8 months) and other soya products like mince, fake chicken etc.

My HV knows this and never said anything so I assume it's ok?

MolotovCocktail · 07/02/2013 10:03

I've heard that silken tofu is okay to give after 6 months. My DD2 is almost 10mo and she had the ordinary Cauldron tofu by about 7mo. I think it's okay, but do double check :)

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