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Allergies and intolerances

Lactose free diet - but are whey and casein okay?

3 replies

DiamondDoris · 06/02/2013 07:36

DS starts an exclusion diet of lactose for possible lactose intolerance. But seeing as whey is a protein (he's not allergic in anyway) can he still eat foods containing whey? Like digestive biscuits? He has gut problems and asd traits.

OP posts:
ilovepowerhoop · 06/02/2013 08:13

dairy free is different to being lactose free as lactose is the milk sugar and whey/casein are the milk proteins. Double check whether you just have to exclude lactose as otherwise he should be ok to have other foods with whey/casein in.

DiamondDoris · 06/02/2013 08:09

Thanks Forgetfulmog - he loves chocolate milk and bourbons! I wish they didn't put whey powder in evertyhing.

OP posts:
Forgetfulmog · 06/02/2013 08:03

Yes you do need to cut out all traces of dairy including whey. Food labels are pretty good these days (btw I'm on a dairy free diet for my dd who I'm BF) & will say under the allergies section if it contains milk.

Waitrose essential digestives are dairy free, as are most supermarket brands of bourbons.

Oatley chocolate milk is lush, but kara original is best for cooking, on cereal etc

Good luck!

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