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Alcohol support


2 replies

Grumpbum123 · 22/07/2019 07:55

Do you know if you just turn up or have to pre register

OP posts:
BeautyGoesToBenidorm · 22/07/2019 11:10

The AA website will have a full list of meetings local to you, and should state whether they're open or closed. Just turn up, but do remember to take £1 with you - most meetings ask for this as a donation towards rent/tea and coffee costs, in keeping with AA traditions.

Good luck. You might want to try a few different meetings at first, to find which one you're most comfortable with.

Seawig · 22/07/2019 08:59

You can just turn up to any meeting.

If it says 'closed meeting' it means the meeting is just for anyone who is struggling with their drinking.

The 'open meetings' are open for family or professionals to come and listen if they want to and held every so often.

So if you are struggling with alcohol in any way all AA meetings are just turn up.

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