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Contact with full siblings

10 replies

MissFenella · 28/11/2012 13:51

Dds have DB also in care. They have been with us 2 months and I was wondering when we should start contact with him and how often.

Any experience out there?

Thanks in advance

OP posts:
Moomoomie · 29/11/2012 10:57

It is still very early days for you all as a family. Your girls sound like they have decided they are not ready to meet their brother and everyone should respect their decision.
We have letterbox contact with our daughters brother, who has recently asked for direct contact. We have declined this for the mo net as our youngest is only 5 and I feel she is too young.
Continue with the indirect contact for now and see how they feel after Christmas.
I remember feeling pressurised by the SW to have contact with the FC before we felt it was ready.
Be strong.

RudolphLovesoftplay · 29/11/2012 09:05

I think it's very reasonable to say you aren't ready, and you will let them know when you are. I agree that it needs to be in your girls best interests, and although they have a brother, your girls and their welfare will always be prioritised by you.

You are right, their brother could be placed in Timbuktu or with parents who want no contact so don't feel rushed. It's not as though you have said that you are never doing it.

MissFenella · 28/11/2012 22:39

Thanks - that is what we were thinking but, felt we needed a check to ensure we were not being selfish etc.

I have said its too soon and not in their interests. Every sympathy but, as the girls have moved out perhaps additional help to cope with this is more appropriate as his sisters are not equipped or responsible for making it 'all better'.

after all he could be placed with a family and we never hear from him again! I'd rather take things slowly and measured.

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MrsDeVere · 28/11/2012 22:27

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MissFenella · 28/11/2012 22:12

They saw him just before they moved in with us 6 weeks ago. Their reluctance is around wanting to settle in here and understanding 'that' before moving on to wider relationships.

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Smudging · 28/11/2012 21:14

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MissFenella · 28/11/2012 21:07

Thanks - I encourage the girls to do 'bits' for their brother. We have sent lots of photo updates etc and will continue to do so. I feel that they just don't feel ready to chat away with him (and at that age they probably wouldn't).

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MrsDeVere · 28/11/2012 20:46

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MissFenella · 28/11/2012 20:39

They are 7 and 3 and we in FC with DB prior to us becoming their parents. DB is still with FC.

Girls talk fondly of him and we have sent pictures etc but they don't want to speak to him yet and I am getting pressure from FC and now SW.

Just looking to understand what is the norm, we hoped/expected to be left to bond until after christmas.

OP posts:
RudolphLovesoftplay · 28/11/2012 18:30

Hi, we have sibling contact with our boys sisters and they love it (so do I) we waited about 3months before we met them, but they were really young so it was tricky to explain who they were. How old are your girls if you don't mind me asking?

I guess my advice is to meet them when you feel 100% comfortable with it, don't feel pressurised by anybody to meet before you're ready.

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