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Job interview - questions from interviewee

33 replies

CityDweller · 09/06/2016 15:18

I've been shortlisted for a job (hurrah) and I always struggle to come up with questions for the interview panel. Usually they've answered them all during the process of the interview (I say 'usually', I've been in my current post for ages, and have only been up for one other thing in the last 7 years). I'm wary of coming across ill-informed about the programme/dept/uni by asking obvious questions.

Any tips?

OP posts:
EBearhug · 15/06/2016 08:40

What things would make you really keen on the job? What things would make you think, no way would I touch this? Make sure those things have been covered in the interview. Interviews are meant to be two-way, also about whether you want to work for them - though if you really need a new job (e.g. end of fixed-term contract), it's hard to remember this.

esornep · 15/06/2016 08:28

I would ask about teaching load etc after you are offered the job. There isn't really time in interview to discuss these topics in the detail you would wish.

SpringSpringSpring · 15/06/2016 07:53

I'd say don't feel you have to ask questions in the interview - most of these can be asked when you are offered the job. IME the panel has never even commented on whether an applicant asked questions or not though I am sure this will vary.

CityDweller · 10/06/2016 15:25

I suppose maybe if you sit in an interview and ask 'what's the sabbatical policy' there's a subtext of 'how soon after I start this job can I have some time off'? Even though, of course we all know a sabbatical isn't 'time off'.

I think I can ask the same question but phrased differently, such as 'how does the department support individual research agendas and activities?'

OP posts:
Booboostwo · 10/06/2016 15:16

How weird! Research income, in my discipline, is a much bigg deal than anything else, with departments being set targets of X amount of money to bring in every year. Research leave is crucial to supporting the development of that side of one's career.

CityDweller · 10/06/2016 14:20

Hmm Booboo - I've always been told not to ask about research leave. I'm not sure why, as it's such an integral part of us being able to fulfil our roles. But, apparently it can send off the wrong vibes, or something?

Great question about support for putting together grant applications.

OP posts:
Booboostwo · 10/06/2016 13:29

For an academic post involving both research and teaching:

Does the department have a work load allocation model?
Do they offer a lighter load the first year (usually 10% less but can vary)?
What is the expected teaching/admin/research balance?
Do they offer internal research leave and under what conditions?
What support they offer for putting together grant applications and applying for student fellowships?

FoggyBottom · 10/06/2016 12:37

I think if you frame it in terms of your programme and trajectory, and ask how the Department/School/Faculty generally tries to balance these things, then it'll be seen as a serious question. If certainly think that anyone asking in that context was not looking to skive, but to try to balance different programmes and projects IYSWIM.

CityDweller · 10/06/2016 10:32

Is it 'off' to ask about teaching load? It's not clear from the job description. But I don't want to come across as if I want to shirk teaching (I don't). But I'd think twice about moving if it means an increase in my teaching load...

OP posts:
notagiraffe · 10/06/2016 10:06

You could ask what from their perspective would constitute ideal progress within one year and five years within this role. E.g. a friend gave me a tip recently that his uni were developing a new department in my field and if I got an article published in a particular magazine, that was their idea of a dream academic in this field and would be a way in.

FoggyBottom · 10/06/2016 09:29

Well, in my field, it's not a term we'd ever use. Although we have an annual review & there is training in stuff if we want it. But continuous professional development? well, that's researching, publishing, developing new courses, going to conferences - it's what we do as part of our jobs as academics, I always think. We are lifelong learners as a profession.

CityDweller · 10/06/2016 09:25

The fact that I had to look up what the acronym 'cpd' stands for is an indication of how invested in this my current institution is...

OP posts:
saffynool · 10/06/2016 07:38

Lunchbreaks and milk, love it! (Remind me what lunch breaks are again??)

I would ask about CPD etc, as others have said. I might also ask about governance responsibilities - ie: what sort of things are coming up that I might be asked/expected/have the opportunity to put in EOIs for (depending on the type of job). Shows willing!

In my area I would also ask about opportunities for maintaining/developing my professional/hands-on skills but appreciate that may not be relevant for you.

FoggyBottom · 10/06/2016 05:21

They're definitely not questions someone interviewing for an academic post should ever ask, even at a junior level (such as a Teaching Fellow). But the OP knows this!

lljkk · 09/06/2016 21:16

they are the sort of questions someone more junior has to ask.
I have learnt my lesson.

FoggyBottom · 09/06/2016 21:01

Working hours, any flexibility, usual lunch, is milk provided for tea, where would you sit (how many office mates). Prospects for ongoing contract.

Umm, very bad questions if you're interviewing for an academic post. I hope you were joking lljkk ! Grin

clarrrp · 09/06/2016 20:55

Mind you, I've known interdepartmental warfare over weeks' old milk in a communal fridge...

In our old office someone didn't close the door properly one evening - everything spolied and the office stank for days. I swear I thought the admins were going to come to blows.

HedgeSchool · 09/06/2016 19:28

Research group affiliations and events, institutional support for conference organisation, postgraduate recruitment, possible Brexit implications for collaborative research between European partner institutions.

HedgeSchool · 09/06/2016 19:24

Lunchbreaks and milk! Grin

Mind you, I've known interdepartmental warfare over weeks' old milk in a communal fridge... History are perennial offenders...

SecretLimonadeDrinker · 09/06/2016 19:22

I always write the questions down, and take them in with me.

Just got my perfect job, I asked:

  • what do the first three months in this role look like
  • how do they define success
  • question related to recent relevant industry news

Good Luck Smile
CityDweller · 09/06/2016 19:20

Er, yes, don't worry - I won't be asking about breaks and milk!

The qs about conferences and events is a good one. I plan questions about the extent of the role, plans for the programme, etc, but they tend to get covered anyway in the interview main.

OP posts:
BorisIsBack · 09/06/2016 19:15

Definitely do not ask about lunch breaks or milk!!!


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Acopyofacopy · 09/06/2016 19:13

Read up and ask about a recent event and if you could get involved in the future?
Ask how xyz / Brexit / whatever will affect the department.

esornep · 09/06/2016 19:13

It depends on the type of job.

If I was interviewing for a senior academic, I'd be pretty surprised if they asked about milk for tea/lunch. I would be fairly surprised to be asked about working hours and flexibility, since the main constraints on working hours tend to be teaching. (I would understand though if somebody said they wanted a specific kind of flexible working e.g. 4 long days and one day off, and wanted to know if they could be guaranteed a day with no teaching.) I would expect questions about office arrangements, career progression, funding for PhD students, plus questions specific to the research/teaching profile of the department etc etc.

notagiraffe · 09/06/2016 19:12

Oh and ask about conferences they hold/your chance to be involved in running one, and ask about what in-house publishing opportunities exist for dissemination of papers.

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