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What age did it all start to make sense for you?

20 replies

skyerojo · 04/06/2023 18:33

Just curious!

What age / stage did you find things felt like they were all clicking into place?

Anyone find there was an age where they started to feel most happy and at peace? Why?

OP posts:
BMrs · 05/06/2023 16:01

skyerojo · 04/06/2023 22:47

@BMrs this is lovely! Good for you. Did you notice a difference between early 30s vs later?

@skyerojo I think so yes. With age comes wisdom and all that...

Hattifattene · 04/06/2023 23:19

I would say the world makes less sense as I get older. AI going to be central to the world is education going to be worth anything at all in future???. All the trans stuff. Electric cars not the answer. Replacing gas central heating with heat pumps but rents and mortgages too high for this to be affordable. People flying on holiday despite climate change. Brexit causing migration in small boats to which the only answer is to fly them to a sub Saharan African country the size of wales. The houses of parliament being riddled with rot and rodents yet the government refusing to leave for repairs. Children's homes and care homes being outsourced to profit making companies who can't be held to account

Carouselfish · 04/06/2023 23:05

Am 42 BTW.

Carouselfish · 04/06/2023 23:04

Feel that having children mostly stopped my wanderlust. Have given up on men, don't feel all sad about it or like I need one, so that is a huge piece of feeling good. Am sort of inventing little goals for myself re. career and achievements, so that is a nice place to be. Possibly all that's missing is not having enough money to not have to think about it.

IHateLegDay · 04/06/2023 22:58

I'm in the slog of the early parenting years so times are tough but I feel more content with who I am as a person than I ever have.
Still unhappy with my looks but I'm hoping I'll care less as the years go on 🤞

Chocolatesandroses · 04/06/2023 22:57

I would say in my 30s started making changes in early 30s I’m now 38 and I’m happy . The big thing as you mentioned is not caring what people think of you and that really is the key to it I think . It is easier said than done as its journey defiantly not a race . People will judge you no matter you do , you could be perfect and they will find a fault so just keep doing you . It’s Just a case of taking time to work on yourself

Throwingpots · 04/06/2023 22:54

I’m now 64 and have never been happier, more fulfilled and contented. I have a job I love, a lovely group of friends who share my hobbies and interests, and I’m also really happy doing stuff on my own, just for me.

BillyBraggisnotmylover · 04/06/2023 22:51

My happiest year to date was the year after I turned 30 - had a full year of mat leave with second child while eldest started school. Taken a bit of a dip since then and am a bit mentally and emotionally adrift approaching 40, but I know there are things I could probably be doing to improve that if I pulled my finger out. If I do, I think the best is yet to come.

skyerojo · 04/06/2023 22:47

@BMrs this is lovely! Good for you. Did you notice a difference between early 30s vs later?

OP posts:
xoomer · 04/06/2023 22:47

I'm still waiting for it. 40 next year.

skyerojo · 04/06/2023 22:46

Seeing a lot of 30s in these answers!

OP posts:
CheesePls · 04/06/2023 22:44

BMrs · 04/06/2023 22:43

I'm late 30s and I love how much more confident I am in myself in my 30s than any other age.

As someone in my 20s trying to make sense of the world this gives me hope!

Leo227 · 04/06/2023 22:44


BMrs · 04/06/2023 22:43

I'm late 30s and I love how much more confident I am in myself in my 30s than any other age.

Magnoliainbloom · 04/06/2023 21:03

I was happiest in my 20s and most of my 30s. 40s has been relentlessly painful.

skyerojo · 04/06/2023 20:53

@Peanutbutteryday I hear ya!

@MissAmbrosia that's really lovely that you're so content now. I guess it's never just a case of it all clicks and there you go, sorted, there's always stages to go through.

I don't have kids (yet) but also imagine it's quite linked to that for lots of people. And hopefully in a good way? I.e. life before and then life after.

And people do tend to also say the sooner you stop giving space to others' opinions the sooner you'll have a more peaceful life! Easier said than done...

OP posts:
MissAmbrosia · 04/06/2023 19:38

I'm 54 and not sure there is ever a perfect time. I loved my early 30s where I had developed a good career but had no responsibilities. Then I had a baby at 35, moved abroad at 37 and had a few tricky years. I would say the last 10 years have been very good. These days I don't give a fuck about what anyone thinks, have made some very good friends and have just been away with dh where we laughed a lot and talked about what we will do in our old age. I feel very content.

Clickcamera · 04/06/2023 19:28

Moooooo as someone who is 44 that has given me a lot of hope!

Peanutbutteryday · 04/06/2023 19:27

I feel it some days at 32. Other days I am a mess. So I guess I’m not there yet!

Moooooooooooooooooo · 04/06/2023 19:24

Once I turned 50.

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