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How do I survive when the £80 stops...

157 replies

barryclarry · 23/09/2021 08:15

Hi In February I had to make a UC claim as I had to leave my full time job due to my deteriorating mental health.
I have no kids and I live alone.
I have been providing fit notes to the job centre but still haven't had a medical.

During the 5 week wait I had to take out a advance.
They are taking £65 from my money a month to pay this off.
My payment next month will be £553
£330 is my rent
£60 is my gas /electric
£25 is my broadband
£40 other debts including my water rates
That is £455
I will have £98 to last the month for food and anything else.
(Sorry if my calculations are slightly out )

I'm panicking.
I don't know how I'm going to manage tbh
Is anyone else gonna struggle ?

OP posts:
YerAWizardHarry · 23/09/2021 10:01

£25 is literally the cheapest of the cheap broadband I can find for my house and that’s on a one year new customer deal, you definitely aren’t paying too much

barryclarry · 23/09/2021 10:01

That payment is including the housing element
I think it's £280 but I have to pay the extra £50 towards my rent from when I was waiting for the 5 week wait

My UC for me alone is around £280 I think (£71 a week I think it is )

OP posts:
barryclarry · 23/09/2021 10:02

But out of the £280 they take my advance payment from that

OP posts:
MatildaIThink · 23/09/2021 10:03


I too don't Understand how UC can be set at a level that people can't pay for basics, food, light, heat and roof. It's a disgrace.
Dd had to claim uc when she lost her job during lockdown 1. Numerous times she said that if she didn't have parents she would have just given up. The 5 week wait is terrible for a start.

UC generally does (unless you are over the rent threshold) pay for the basics as a core payment. The problems generally come from three issues with the implementation, the initial five week wait (previously six weeks), meaning people take advance loans and then have repayments deducted, which takes them below the amount needed ongoing. The sanctions regime, which makes deductions for not meeting certain criteria, however it is so badly managed that might be for not attending a meeting with a career advisor, a meeting which is not recorded on your UC portal and which you only receive the letter about several days after you were supposed to have the meeting, it not having been posted until the evening before your meeting. The other is the way housing element is calculated, especially for single people under 35 or homeowners.

UC also really only does pay for the basics if you are a single person, there is no extra in there for social activities, entertainment etc. It really is just housing, utilities and food, and it is not much better if you are a parent.

UC as a system makes sense, rather than a wide spread of different benefits being paid separately, it also needs reform. If there was one reform that could be made, reducing the initial five week wait would be it, even though I can understand the theory behind it. Personally I think that the unemployment element would be better modelled on what happens in Germany or Norway, but that works because people both pay more taxes and there are fewer people on benefits.
HeyGepetto · 23/09/2021 10:05

You should be able to request to pay back the advance over a longer period, send them a message through your journal and see if they can change it. All your outgoings seem low already to me.

HappyInChaos · 23/09/2021 10:07

Curious cat and qmee are OK for quick cash out survey sites. Don't get me wrong, it's pennies for surveys but you can get £2 on each of them a day without much time/effort, seems like nothing but £4 a day is £28 a week.
Would you consider going to a food bank? I know its not a long term solution but any thing that saves a few quid now, will help you to stay afloat in the long run.

I would also contact UC and ask them to reduce the repayments per month and pay over a longer period of time.

Definitely go to citizens advice.

Really hope things improve for you, it is not OK for anyone to have to live like this!

MatildaIThink · 23/09/2021 10:09


That payment is including the housing element
I think it's £280 but I have to pay the extra £50 towards my rent from when I was waiting for the 5 week wait

My UC for me alone is around £280 I think (£71 a week I think it is )

Have you run your status through Entitled To yet? UC often gets calculated wrongly if something was entered incorrectly (either by you, or someone processing the application). In most parts of the country UC should cover your rent if you are over 35 and not in a particularly expensive of your own area, unfortunately if you are under 35 it only covers the rate it would cost to live in a shared house.
GinUnicorn · 23/09/2021 10:09

So sorry you are struggling.

There is a thread on mumsnet about money saving. Could you also visit money savers.

In the meantime perhaps look at a cash back site for anything you need to buy.

Could you do odd jobs for people? Even leaflet delivery to get a little extra.

Bulk cooking saves loads and when I was struggling I would bulk cook on the coldest days to save heating.

Do you have anything you could sell?

Wishing you all the best

Justforphoto · 23/09/2021 10:13


What is the reason why UC is not paying your rent? Is there anything you can do to change that? Paying that large rent out of your personal costs element is not sustainable

I can tell you now that that amount quoted includes rent. The personal costs element is incredibly low. I claim for myself and 1 child, no rent and I get less than the op.
wildmountaintime · 23/09/2021 10:17

@MatildaIThink Whilst I do agree with most of what you are saying, especially the rent allowances, remember that personal element benefit levels (inc UC rates) were frozen for nearly a decade, whilst prices rose and rose. The way things are going now, with large increases in fuel and food prices, UC is very likely to very soon become absolutely impossible for some people to even survive the basics on.

Another thing which needs reform in UC is the criminally large amounts they are allowed to take off someone's personal allowance for their debts - 30% of the personal allowance!! that's down from 40% - what on earth are they thinking to deduct that much off the money supposed to be for people to survive!! I know you can phone up and ask for it to be reduced, but often there is no warning and even if you call to reduce it, other debts swoop in and it's back to 30% deducted the next month!!

Peanutsandchilli · 23/09/2021 10:17

[quote barryclarry]@theseoldbone Thankyou for that,I'm waiting for the medical to hopefully get the lcwra added on.
I don't think I'm unwell enough for the pip so I won't apply for that.
If you're unwell enough for the lcwra element then you're unwell enough for pip. Please apply for it and don't be disheartened if you're rejected the first time. Lots of people are, but a huge percentage win at appeal. Get some advice if you can.

Kuachui · 23/09/2021 10:21

Yeah it's tough, I have 2 toddlers and every month we have £150 left over for food, Toiletries and any extras we need per month

TeeBee · 23/09/2021 10:21

Hi OP, so sorry to hear you're going through such a hard time. That sounds very stressful. Just a practical suggestion...are there any community fridges in your area? Our area has one that tours the villages, setting up tables of really good, fresh food that would otherwise be put in landfill. Worth having a look to see if there is something similar where you live? Its not means tested, its open to everyone.

ShaneTheThird · 23/09/2021 10:24

I'm sorry you are in such a rubbish situation op. Definitely look and see if you are entitled to more like a housing benefit and contact your water supplier and see if you can stagger payments so it's not all in one go.

I would also go to a cheap shop like poundland and buy a big bottle of multi vitamins so at least you know you are getting them even if food isn't always the most nutritious.

Also make a food plan for the month, there's a few budget websites for food especially ones with war time recipes and things. That sounds bleak but it helps make sure you are eating stodgy food so won't get sick, things like oats and powdered milk and egg which contains the nutrients but often works out cheaper as you get more which lasts longer.

Survey sites like prolific and qmee are good but I find prolific slow however qmee usually has loads so depending on how much time you spend on there you can make money each week.

beigebrownblue · 23/09/2021 10:26

Few things you could do immediately that might help with stress and budgeting.

  1. The warm home discount has opened already with bigger providers. Applying for this would give you 140 quid if you are on certain benefits, or your kids have a disability.

The money is paid in March, but it is first come first served. British Gas have a very quick online form you can do.
beigebrownblue · 23/09/2021 10:29


I use Approved Foods now.
This is a website which delivers to your door items where either the packaging is damaged, or it is close to best before date.
It is amazing what you can find on there if you trawl. It is updated every day.

ThreeFeetTall · 23/09/2021 10:30


That payment is including the housing element
I think it's £280 but I have to pay the extra £50 towards my rent from when I was waiting for the 5 week wait

My UC for me alone is around £280 I think (£71 a week I think it is )

Thanks for clarifying. So the £50 is money you are paying to your landlord to cover the arrears caused whilst you were waiting for your first payment? If so could you ask for that to be lower? (I appreciate you might not want to though). Or maybe I have misunderstood?
beigebrownblue · 23/09/2021 10:33

The above good for the planet also as the goods would otherwise be thrown away.

Then there are various coupon codes I have, Quidco, cashback thing
and also
i have twenty five quid off code for //

which does essentials like toiletries, tins, san pro etc.

Even if you don't use them all the time twenty five quid off and free delivery is helpful.

pm me if you want the codes.

Also I'm not sure if you have tried Too Good to Go.
It is an app which notifies you when local stores have decent veg, bread etc to sell at vast discounts at the end of the day.
I haven't used it as the stores round here are too far away but you might find that a local store is doing this and it is close to your home.

TatoAndBeans · 23/09/2021 10:34

Are you getting foodbank vouchers? Citizens Advice will be able to give you some, while they also check you’re receiving all the benefits you’re entitled to. I’m sorry it’s so tough Flowers

PlanDeRaccordement · 23/09/2021 10:34

I’m sure you’d qualify to use a food bank

They also provide financial and benefits advice.

beigebrownblue · 23/09/2021 10:34

Also do check with the council re discretionary payments as some have an amount of money allocated to help people. Do this as quickly as possible as the year runs April to April.
you need bank statement usually and utility bill.

Ask water company to reduce payments to tide you over.

Join your local credit union for low cost loan

Good luck, it is not a nice position to be in, but you can do this

Ginjanotaninja · 23/09/2021 10:34

Please don't assume that you won't get PIP. If you are unable to work then there is a chance you could get it. Your local authority should have a welfare right team, that can help you apply inc filling in the PIP form or if they don't your local Citizens Advice or Mind should be able to help. Have you filled in the UC50 form and submitted, if so chase it.
If you have utility debts please contact your supplier to see if they have a lower tarriff or a fund that they could use to clear the debt.
If you have a rent shortfall it could be worth applying for a discretionary housing payment to help. I take it you are getting Council Tax Support? Again if not apply you are eligible for the help.
Have you ever been in the Services? If so get help from SSafa or RBL. Incidently quite a few career groups such as nurses or mine workers have welfare groups that can help.
Please be persistent and firm in dealing with the dwp.
Good luck


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Sally7799 · 23/09/2021 10:35

You can ask UC to hold paying back the advancement for a couple months. I can't remember what the highest you can do this for is though? But that will give you the extra 65 for a few months that you can use to stock up on some things

beigebrownblue · 23/09/2021 10:36

Approved foods is very good for dry goods as pp mentioned.
Also, it is astounding how many things on there are actually nowhere near their best before dates and really perfectly fine.

BiteyCatII · 23/09/2021 10:37

I am sure you can get PiP if your mental health is bad

It is incredibly hard to get PIP. Even with supporting letters from GPs, Community Mental Health Team and other HCPs. I know someone with a severe eating disorder, complex PTSD, severe anxiety and depression who is in a desperate state and she is having to go through appeal to try get PIP. She is so ill mentally and physically yet wasn’t deemed sick enough.

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