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Lady taking photos at the park - concerned

160 replies

supasoup · 25/07/2021 16:06

Yesterday at the park me and my ds was just leaving when a lady stood and took a picture of a little boy on his bike. I thought they were together but then the Lady thanked the mother of the child and walked away.

I smiled at the lady with the child and she asked me if that lady asked for a picture of my ds. I said no and laughed. Apparently the lady had spent the last 30 minutes walking round taking random pictures of children some from a distance some close up. No one questioned her.

Now I'm worried that she has pictures of my ds and many others without any consent.

What can I do about it?
Now I'm worried!

OP posts:
Lockheart · 25/07/2021 17:37

There is nothing illegal about it and no consent is needed.

If your children are out in public then the odds are they have appeared in many backgrounds of photos or film, not forgetting on CCTV or on people's video calls.

me4real · 25/07/2021 17:38

The woman agreed

@supasoup There yo go then, the other lady did nothing wrong in that instance, just a bit weird but presumably she has some reason (statistically, highly unlikely to be paedophilic or involved with a paedo.)

Also, she's not technically doing anything illegal by photoing in a public place.

Butt you could call 101 if you're concerned (probably sensible.)

chaosrabbitland · 25/07/2021 17:41

shes asking permission of the parents first , for all you know she explained to them why she wanted the photo for as well, theres not a lot you can do apart from worry if thats what your going to do

Brefugee · 25/07/2021 17:41

If a lady approaches you in a public place and asks if she can take photos of your child, why is your immediate reaction that it must be for a nefarious purpose?
Why wouldn't you ask? Ask twice. And then make your decision based on that (and if a student photographer, ask for a copy, they'd probably turn out quite nice)

KormasABitch · 25/07/2021 17:46

Did the lady look like this?

If not, I wouldn't worry.

Lady taking photos at the park - concerned
AbsolutelyPatsy · 25/07/2021 17:46

as long as you dont appear in the news on an article on obesity Wink

Chikapu · 25/07/2021 17:48

Street photography is perfectly legal and doesn't require permission. There is nothing you can do about someone with a camera.

supasoup · 25/07/2021 17:48


You're right OP. It's a gross invasion of privacy and you should probably sue. Best put a bag on your DS's head when you're in a public space, like what Michael Jackson did. Cos he knew a thing or two about peedos.

You do realise your DS is most at risk from his male relatives, not from random female photographers?

Do you know all the males in my family? What a ridiculous comment!
OP posts:
AliceSprings123 · 25/07/2021 17:49

Wonder what sort of camera?(been watching Rankin's photography programme) they didn't use yer standard kit...

CandyLeBonBon · 25/07/2021 17:51

@supasoup that poster was talking statistically.

I'm a professional photographer and can also confirm that it's perfectly legal to take photos of people (including children) in a public place. This woman wasn't skulking around doing it, she was asking permission and being respectful.

She has done nothing wrong and whilst vigilance is important, paranoia isn't healthy.

supasoup · 25/07/2021 17:51

I have reported it to the police. It may be legal and innocent but why take the risk.

OP posts:
Qwerty789 · 25/07/2021 17:53

Now I'm worried that she has pictures of my ds and many others without any consent

She doesn't need your consent. Anyone can take a picture of anyone else in a public place. All you've done is reported someone to the police for doing something 100% legal, and wasted their time.

gardeninggirl68 · 25/07/2021 17:54

you reported it to the police!! jesus!

and yes, your kids ARE statistically more at risk from your male relatives than a random photographer!

supasoup · 25/07/2021 17:54

Also, if anyone else is ever concerned about this the lady I spoke to on the phone took it seriously and didn't make me feel like I was being silly to report it.

OP posts:
Jerima · 25/07/2021 17:54

@cookiecreampie the council, shops police and everywhere that places CCTV intend to take your picture. It's not weird, it's a camera not a gun.

It's perfectly legal and I do believe taking photos in a public place is actually a right under freedom of expression.

Public nudity is also legal so the woman could have removed all of her clothes and took photos if she wanted to

Qwerty789 · 25/07/2021 17:55


Also, if anyone else is ever concerned about this the lady I spoke to on the phone took it seriously and didn't make me feel like I was being silly to report it.

Well, they should have done. Surely they told you that its not a crime and none of their business?
Wanttocry · 25/07/2021 17:55

Do you know all the males in my family? What a ridiculous comment!

The poster meant statistically speaking, and they are correct.

gardeninggirl68 · 25/07/2021 17:56

they will be professional on the phone......about anything

girlmom21 · 25/07/2021 17:57


I have reported it to the police. It may be legal and innocent but why take the risk.

Why bother here to get other peoples opinions if you're hysterical enough to report it to the police? What information did you given them? The time and name of the park? Good luck getting that looked into...
DappledThings · 25/07/2021 17:59


I have reported it to the police. It may be legal and innocent but why take the risk.

Oh give over. Reported what? Someone was taking photos legally and in at least one instance interacted with the subject of one of them and asked permission. Yeah, I'd get Interpol right on that one.

Absolutely ridiculous.
ancientgran · 25/07/2021 18:00


Also, if anyone else is ever concerned about this the lady I spoke to on the phone took it seriously and didn't make me feel like I was being silly to report it.

They'll have a laugh on their teabreak so you've brightened someones day. What sort of chaos do you think there'd be if everyone started phoning to report people doing legal things?
Jerima · 25/07/2021 18:00

@supasoup they might come and arrest you now for wasting their time

AgentProvocateur · 25/07/2021 18:02

Why when you acknowledge that it “may be legal” (spoiler alert - is IS legal) did you report it to the police? What a ridiculous overreaction and waste of time.

TheReluctantPhoenix · 25/07/2021 18:02

Never understood why people would care if their children’s pictures ended up on the internet, unless you are genuinely concerned about kidnap, or are fleeing from someone.

Photos are just that-images, not your actual child.

DappledThings · 25/07/2021 18:02

I spoke to on the phone took it seriously and didn't make me feel like I was being silly to report it.
I've seen video of police being polite and restrained when people have handed them "evidence" that covid is a fraud and that everyone who has administered a vaccine should be prosecuted for murder. Doesn't mean they haven't been laughing about it later.

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