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Wisdom tooth repeat infections.

102 replies

SwanShaped · 21/07/2021 19:28

I keep getting infections in my lower wisdom tooth gum. But I’m very scared of having it out because I hate the dentist. Anyone else had this, and is it worth going through extraction? What’s the sedative like? I don’t want gruesome horror stories, please.

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IRanSoFarAway1 · 22/07/2021 09:43

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SwanShaped · 22/07/2021 09:48

I’ll ask for the syringes. Thanks for the tip.

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OchonAgusOchonOh · 22/07/2021 10:22


Ochon please could you give a link to the syringe?

I'm having a gum problem and just occurred to me that it coukd be an unerupted wisdom tooth 😱

I got them from the dentist but they look like these on Amazon. If you do a search for dental syringe with curved tip you should find them.

I don't know would it help with an unerupted tooth. I was using them to get the salt water in under the flap of gum covering the partially erupted tooth.
IRanSoFarAway1 · 22/07/2021 11:35

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Thelnebriati · 22/07/2021 11:53

If you have an unerupted tooth you can use a numbing gel or spray, or clove oil on the gum.

SwanShaped · 22/07/2021 12:00

Got some antibiotics. Need to book a general check up before I can be referred to the surgeons. So I’ll do that. I actually feel progressively more scared every time I go.

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Thelnebriati · 22/07/2021 12:02

Insist on sedation. Its just a needle in the back of your hand and you're out like a light. You have to have someone to take you home in a car or taxi, and keep an eye on you for the rest of the day.

ParkheadParadise · 22/07/2021 12:04

I've got the exact same problem as you.😃
All through the first lockdown, I've managed to get by with antibiotics.
The last time I needed them the dentist said I had to be referred to the dental hospital 🙈.
I'm going on the 9th of August for my pre-op assessment.
I'm having sedation and I'm bloody dreading it.🤮🤮

OchonAgusOchonOh · 22/07/2021 12:21


Got some antibiotics. Need to book a general check up before I can be referred to the surgeons. So I’ll do that. I actually feel progressively more scared every time I go.

Honestly, it's not a big deal if you get it done using a GA (no idea about using local but others seemed to find that ok). A bit of discomfort, rather than pain, afterwards and then no more infections.

It's a bit like labour really. All you hear are the horror stories but for most people, it's not really that difficult or traumatic.

Best of luck with the check-up and referral. If you need moral support nearer the time, just post here or start a new thread. Based on the posts here, you'll have plenty of support Smile
SwanShaped · 22/07/2021 12:22

Oh no! Jealous that you’re getting it out the way with though. Sedation would be good, I think. Weird thing is, I’m not scared of needles so all of the actual painful bit of injecting anaesthetic, is totally fine. It’s just the lying there, with the light, the dentist looking in your face, sharp tools in their hand. I feel like I need some kind of phobia treatment. I was bad before, but have got worse since my most recent dentist. She was horrible. The ones today were really nice.

OP posts:
SwanShaped · 22/07/2021 12:23

I actually will start a thread if I go for it. It’s been really helpful so far.

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Viviennemary · 22/07/2021 12:24

Ask to be referred to your local hospital. First one at dentist = gruesome story. Others at hospital. Felt nothing. Was going to have general but opted for local. Couldn't believe it was so easy.

OchonAgusOchonOh · 22/07/2021 12:24

[quote ParkheadParadise]**@SwanShaped*
I've got the exact same problem as you.😃
All through the first lockdown, I've managed to get by with antibiotics.
The last time I needed them the dentist said I had to be referred to the dental hospital 🙈.
I'm going on the 9th of August for my pre-op assessment.
I'm having sedation and I'm bloody dreading it.🤮🤮[/quote]
My post applies to you too. Go for it. It's well worth it.

For the record - I'm 56 so put it off for quite a while, mainly because it used to get inflamed for a couple of days maybe 3 or 4 times a year so it wasn't a major hassle. Once it started flaring up more regularly and for longer, I got it dealt with.

SwanShaped · 22/07/2021 12:25

vivienne they said that the hospitals are much more expert. They just do extractions all the time so are good at it.

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mamakoukla · 22/07/2021 12:34

Swanshaped, I find closing my eyes helps a lot. I don’t get nervous about going to the dentist however I also realized that seeing tools at work did me no favours. I recently had three teeth out as part of a remodelling (too many teeth in a tiny space). Two were simple extractions, the other required stitches. It was done by an oral surgeon so the numbing took longer than the work! Really glad I opted for someone who does this for their bread and butter.

SwanShaped · 22/07/2021 12:38

Do you know what, it was seeing the pokey thing that made me start crying today. So maybe I should just close my eyes. I try doing my calm breathing and stuff. And remind myself that it’s all fine, I can stop when I want, anaesthetics work etc.

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sharp51 · 22/07/2021 13:05

The only way out is a doctor. In fact, many dentists accept the fact that people may be anxious or afraid of treatment.

SheABitSpicyToday · 22/07/2021 13:53

I’ve just got back from my appointment op. One side can be removed but the other side has the root growing through the facial nerves so they’re not sure what to do with that one! I have referral to the maxillofacial surgeon though so positive steps

SwanShaped · 22/07/2021 14:17

That’s good news about one side! My friend had a tooth where they said removing would risk her face going numb. Sounds similar

OP posts:
SwanShaped · 22/07/2021 14:17

Were they nice?

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SheABitSpicyToday · 22/07/2021 14:20

They were lovely! Even got back there and gave them a clean for me as it’s impossible to get in there now as the wisdom teeth are pressed right against my molars.

SwanShaped · 22/07/2021 14:33

Oh good. I’ll ring up my dentist tomorrow and make an appt so I can’t get a referral. Feeling too rough today

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eightlivesdown · 22/07/2021 15:21

I had a tooth once that had repeat infections, and it was really painful and inconvenient - infections would come when on holiday, etc., and were doing underlying damage (was told this after eventually finding a dentist who correctly diagnosed and fixed the problem, after visiting numerous different dentists). It's no way to live if you don't have to.

You sound like you're almost there, and just need to take the final step to get this fixed and put it behind you. The treatment will almost certainly be far easier than you think, and nowhere near as bad as the pain and inconvenience of repeat infections, or the apprehension / fear of the treatment.

It'll be such a relief to finally get it fixed, and you'll feel proud of yourself for overcoming your fears.

nonotmenotI · 22/07/2021 15:53

I had mine out years ago.

Sleep with 2 pillows to keep your head higher and keep up with ibuprofen and paracetamol and you'll be fine.

Get sedated for removal.

I did get dry socket but the pain from impacted wisdom teeth prior to removal was so much worse.

I'm also petrified of the dentist.

Thelnebriati · 22/07/2021 16:06

When you get an appointment for the extraction, if you can be flexible about the time and date let them know. Both times I got an earlier appointment when someone else cancelled.

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