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Bobbin bikes - any experiences?

11 replies

JohnnyMcGrathSaysFuckOff · 13/07/2021 16:08

DD1 is 6yo and not v confident physically. She needs a bigger bike but still wants stabilisers (which is fine, she'll get there in her own time).

She really likes girly things and I have come across Bobbin bikes which look sweet but also have gears and say they are lightweight.

Anyone have any experience with these?

OP posts:
JohnnyMcGrathSaysFuckOff · 13/07/2021 18:15

....anyone? Smile

OP posts:
Lesserspottedmama · 10/10/2021 20:31

I’ve just come along to ask the same question.

RandomMess · 10/10/2021 20:35

I have one as an adult so don't think I can help unfortunately!

Ulysses · 10/10/2021 20:41

My DDs have them. I can’t remember the size of frame but youngest would have been around 6 or 7. She is now 10 and uses the bigger one now.

They look great but I wouldn’t say they are lightweight.

Ulysses · 10/10/2021 20:43

It’s the Gingersnap model they have.

SandandFog · 10/10/2021 21:01

We had one, I found it heavy and didn't do much to improve cycling. Sold it and bought a 2nd hand frog bike which was so much better and lighter and go my daughter cycling so much quicker. I got a pink one for DD and added a bell and basket and she loves it

memememum · 10/10/2021 21:11

The adult version is certainly very heavy. Like a pp said frog bikes are nice and light and you can get larger wheels with a smaller frame than usual if you need to.

Tigerwhocameforsupper · 10/10/2021 21:12

No experience with Bobbin but another recommendation for Frog bikes. Really light and easy to handle. My 4 year old was reluctant to remove stabilisers but soon got the hang of it on a frog.

CarryOnNurse20 · 10/10/2021 21:15

DD has a bobbin bike. It’s lovely and she’s easily moved from stabilisers to none with practice. We have had loads of comments on the bike!

MrsAvocet · 10/10/2021 21:49

I've seen a few of these at the kids' club where I coach cycling. They aren't the worst children's bikes that there are, but certainly not the best, and not what I'd call light. According to the Bobbin website, a 20 inch wheel Gingersnap weighs 11.5kg. That's well over half the weight of a 50th centile 6 year old girl. For comparison, a 20 inch wheel islabike Beinn is 7.4kg and a similar Frog is 8.5kg. Bobbin do have a lighter model called a Skylark but as far as I can see that unfortunately only comes with 16 inch wheels which may well be too small.
Although some children seem to manage remarkably well with heavy bikes, lots do struggle. If your DD is already finding it difficult and as you say, not terribly confident physically, then I would really recommend that you get the lightest bike you can afford. A lighter bike will be a lot more manoeuvrable and more enjoyable to ride. Although better brands are more costly they do last very well and hold their value when it comes to resale, so can work out good value in the end.

kwaziseyepatch · 11/10/2021 16:30

Soooo heavy. We've been given one but wouldn't get another

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