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Jury service! Crown Court. Experiences, please!

34 replies

Miljea · 03/05/2021 01:02

I'm looking for 'how it works', likelihood of being called, length of trials ; how each day in court works.

Anyone's experience will be welcomed!

OP posts:
Councilworker · 05/05/2021 01:12

Selection of the jury is totally random once you're in there. It's not like the USA where the lawyers can object to you.
I did it about 8 years ago. Tax fraud that was part of a bigger scheme. Of the pool of 15 taken down to the room one had to be excused due to conflict of interest as he worked for HMRC. I'd spent the first week waiting made it as far as the 15 and then was the extra not needed body
and went back to the waiting room. Two of the jurors on that trial didn't turn up the next day and I think the police were sent to bring them in under contempt of court. I'm not sure if the trail was abandoned or born
After a few days of being sent home I got called in the second week and lasted about 5 days I think. Deliberation was the worst part as some of the other jurors were severely stupid and using Judge Judy as a reference point. I was forewoman and delivered the verdict which was quite nerve-wracking once I volunteered but was ok actually doing it. The man was convicted and served 2 years.

CrochetyCrochet · 05/05/2021 00:51

Selection from the jury pool is entirely random and nothing to do with age or appearance. Names/numbers are literally picked out of a hat.

leeds2glasgow · 05/05/2021 00:46



DS had to be there for 11, but they were all sent home at 1.30 as the one trial schedule didn't happen due to lack of evidence....

He has to be there tomorrow for 9.30am.

I am not sure he'll be selected as he's a young looking 19 year old.

That's not how it works. It's literally names pulled out of a hat!
leeds2glasgow · 05/05/2021 00:40

Depends where it is. When I did mine you were there for two weeks regardless. I got called on day two and was there for nearly three weeks. Some people who were there fir that two weeks slot dud two or three smaller cases.

Miljea · 04/05/2021 23:45


DS had to be there for 11, but they were all sent home at 1.30 as the one trial schedule didn't happen due to lack of evidence....

He has to be there tomorrow for 9.30am.

I am not sure he'll be selected as he's a young looking 19 year old.

OP posts:
Pinkpiglet · 04/05/2021 22:49

I was called up and due to serve last month. I got a phone call the Wednesday before it was due to start to say that the Jury for the first week had already been selected. The case for the second week was going to be long and I was asked if I could do a trial that might be 3 months long, which I could not do. I will now have to see if I’m called again.

EastWestWhosBest · 04/05/2021 22:39

Echoing what others have said about the waiting around.

The first day I was there it seemed there were lots of us. Only two juries selected and the rest sent home. It was meant to be random but I noticed that everyone who was scruffy was not selected.

The case I was on was child abuse. I found it very stressful. I would have liked some kind of debrief or a small amount of counselling after. I recognise now that I found it hard to cope.

SeanIsTheBestChaser · 04/05/2021 22:37

I was called a couple of years ago. I really enjoyed it and would love to do it again.
I was called on my first day and did a 3 day trial. The 4th and 5th day I wasn’t called, so those of us not called played cards together and watched films until lunch time and then we were sent home.
The second week I had a text to say I was released from jury service. I was gutted as I really wanted to do another case!

Tanfastic · 04/05/2021 22:35


I've done it twice. Definitely take a good book or two as it's boring waiting around.

I really enjoyed it but didn't enjoy discussing the case with some of my fellow jurors who were in fact a bit dim. For example the judge said "you don't have to find the stolen goods on the defendants property to find him guilty of burglary". First thing the juror said "well they didn't actually find the stolen goods on his property".

Oh god yes this, having to sit with other members of your jury deliberating on the outcome, a broad spectrum of people from all walks of life with massively different opinions....such a frustrating process. I had to bite my tongue a few times 😂
DachshundDerby · 04/05/2021 22:34

Agree with @Cherry321, you may see the defendant and their family / supporters outside the court, when entering, leaving or on public transport. I became very good at looking straight ahead of me and walking purposefully! Bland clothing a good idea.

You can’t talk with anyone about the case during the case apart from fellow jurors or look anything up in the media. I stayed well away from social media and the news during my jury service and was pleased I did.

Tanfastic · 04/05/2021 22:32

I was called several years ago. Was really lucky to get picked on day 1 and the trial lasted the full two weeks. A murder. Was a great, although very emotionally charged experience and I'd love to have the opportunity to do it again.

I do know several people who haven't been so lucky though and had a lot of sitting around twiddling their thumbs.

Snog · 04/05/2021 22:29

When I had jury service they picked jurors 3 times over the 2 week period but I was never picked, just sent home.

DachshundDerby · 04/05/2021 22:28

Lots of waiting to see if you will be called on a jury. If you are then still lots of waiting for the hearing to start / resume.

I had two cases in the two week time frame each lasting four days. The days were quite long and tiring. Lots of sitting, waiting, listening. We had to be there by 9am but rarely went into court before 10:30am.

Deliberation was absolutely painful. Being stuck in a room with fellow jurors watching and rewatching CCTV. Tests the patience of a saint. Couldn’t arrive at a unanimous verdict on either occasion.

I had always wanted to do jury service but can safely say it was one of the most tiring and challenging two weeks. I came away feeling very disillusioned by the whole system.

Did meet some nice people on the jury and we grew quite close through the shared experience but there were some who I wouldn’t want looking after my goldfish let alone being on a jury.

The responsibility felt enormous.

makingmiracles · 04/05/2021 22:00

Dp did it recently at crown. First day lots of waiting around, 12 picked, he wasn’t one of them, 12 did a case for the week, he went back to work for the rest of the week. Second week they called on the tues afternoon and asked him to be there wed morning, he did a 3 day case, finished around 4.30 each day.

A lot of waiting around so take something to read or tablet+headphones, take whatever you going to need in with you as its not easy to go outside as you have to do the whole security thing each time- they made dp open his drink and drink some as part of the security, I’m guessing to prove he wasn’t carrying something like acid!

Youaremypenguin · 04/05/2021 21:52

I've done it recently. Take things to do. Lots of sitting about. Things don't get going till 9.30 at the earliest and finish before 4. Your in and out of the court room. There are many delays and it can get frustratingly dull if your not picked.

Cherry321 · 04/05/2021 21:49

I would wear ‘bland’ clothes as when I did it I twice found myself on my own in close proximity to the defendant (walking along a road and on a bus).

We were told that we had to catch public transport and they wouldn’t pay for parking unless there were exceptional circumstances.

I planned to work whilst I was waiting but there wasn’t any WiFi. Not sure if that was deliberate or not.

JennyWreny · 04/05/2021 21:43

I was called about three years ago. There was a potential long case (three weeks) which I was selected for. There was a bit of waiting around the first couple of days but once the case started it wasn’t too bad.

It was a murder case and although I found Jury Service interesting as a process it was obviously a sad case and did affect me at the time. The case was an episode of “24 hours in Police custody” and it was interesting to see more information that hadn’t been presented in court.

Tormundsbeard · 04/05/2021 21:41

I have done it twice. First time was a two day trial - attempted and actual theft. After being in the large waiting room for over a week, I was pleased to see inside a court room. The defendant was a pickpocket who had been in and out of prison his whole life. Debating the facts of the case with fellow jurors and seeing how the system / process worked was v interesting.

Second case was an awful child murder trial that lasted 4 weeks and had me sobbing in the jury box at some of the evidence. We were all excused jury duty for 10 years after that case.

I had been excited when I was first called for jury duty, but after that second time, I dread being called again.

minou123 · 04/05/2021 21:38


I think every judge likes to tell a story of the stupidest juror they’ve met.

The one I was told of was a juror finding the defendant on Facebook and sending messages to his mum asking questions. The mum was adamant he hadn’t done it so the juror tried convincing the rest of the group that his mum couldn’t be wrong.

And I thought the story with the ouija board was crazy .
annonymousse · 04/05/2021 21:29

I did jury service about 15 years ago. I was expecting lots of waiting around and was looking forward to reading a book I had bought specially. I was called within 10 mins and found myself in court in the jury box in no time. Our case lasted 3 weeks. It felt surreal to be making the decision about the evidence etc especially when we found the defendant guilty and he was subsequently sentenced to 8 years. He absolutely deserved it but his wife was in court and she cried. It felt horrible

AnneElliott · 04/05/2021 21:21

I've done it twice. Definitely take a good book or two as it's boring waiting around.

I really enjoyed it but didn't enjoy discussing the case with some of my fellow jurors who were in fact a bit dim. For example the judge said "you don't have to find the stolen goods on the defendants property to find him guilty of burglary". First thing the juror said "well they didn't actually find the stolen goods on his property".

Pippapotomus · 04/05/2021 20:27

I think every judge likes to tell a story of the stupidest juror they’ve met.

The one I was told of was a juror finding the defendant on Facebook and sending messages to his mum asking questions. The mum was adamant he hadn’t done it so the juror tried convincing the rest of the group that his mum couldn’t be wrong.


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minou123 · 03/05/2021 21:39

My overall experience was that there is a lot of waiting around, so take a book.

I echo everyone else's experience.
I was called for a case that could potentially take 3 months. I had to check with work that it was fine.
When we were called into the court, the judge told us it was a fraud case and there would be a lot of paperwork. One of the jurors told the judge he was dyslexic and asked to be excused, and he was.
We had to listen to all the victims names to make sure we didn't know anyone.

As it turned out, the 3 defendants, started to change thier plea to guilty, so we didn't get to make a decision.

Top tip from the judhe:

  • the judge told us categorically not to google/research any details of the case. He told us a story of a murder trial, where the jury couldn't decide if the defendant was guilty or not. So they got a oujda board to "ask the dead victim" for advice! The trial collapsed.
GETTINGLIKEMYMOTHER · 03/05/2021 21:21

Oh, and please impress on your DS that googling the defendant, to find out any previous dodgy stuff, is strictly forbidden - there are really hefty penalties, inc. prison. You are supposed to hear all the evidence with an open mind.
They will make that clear, but just as well to ram it home - it’s all too tempting to stick a name into google. Someone locally got 8 months for ignoring the rule - an academic, too, you’d think they might have more sense.

GETTINGLIKEMYMOTHER · 03/05/2021 21:16

I’ve done it. Take a good book! Or two. There is often a lot of sitting around.
I sat on two trials, but they were for less than a week each.
I found it very interesting, and reassuring to see how it all worked.

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