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Should I buy a pickler triangle for my 8 month old?

42 replies

Peridotty · 13/02/2021 01:38

My husband isn’t really convinced. He says they look dangerous AND quite expensive. I found one on sale for £125 from Etsy. I have looked at alternatives like a plastic slide or foam crawling shapes but he has said no to those.

My baby can stand on her own and loves pulling herself up on furniture. She can almost walk.

So are the useful? Are they dangerous for babies? Too expensive? I don’t earn any money (I’m a student).

OP posts:
Melassa · 10/04/2021 20:06

I’m usually in the don’t bother camp, but I got given this when my DD was tiny. We had a really small flat at the time but it was easily folded away. It was the single toy she played with the most, I added the slide when we moved house and it was great for visiting play dates too. It was everything from a climbing frame to a den and dolly campsite. It lasted well and I sold it on when she was 6 and got a fair amount for it, so much of the initial investment will be recouped.

MeadowHay · 10/04/2021 19:56

My DD gets bored of stuff like that after about 5 minutes so I'm glad we didn't buy anything like that as she'd have hardly used it. However she's never had a super 'physical' play style and she has a particularly short attention span.

Hardbackwriter · 10/04/2021 19:41

I don't think of myself as cheap but the thought of spending £125 on a toy for an 8 month old makes me sweat a bit - they're happy with a saucepan and a wooden spoon at that age!

beginningoftheend · 10/04/2021 19:37


He probably thinks our baby has enough toys. He says I’m just trying to make our house into a ‘funhouse’. He thinks that when she is old enough we can just take her to the park and use the climbing frames there and doesn’t see the point of the pikler.

I agree, stuff like this isn't necessary in the house. Save your money.
DenisetheMenace · 10/04/2021 19:34

Our grandchild has one, is enjoying it already (8 months) and will probably get at least 3 years out of it. Good investment, I think.

FelicityPike · 10/04/2021 19:32

Are you the same poster that bought a shitload of board books for your baby that cost a fortune and wanted to buy your baby very expensive gloves too?
I think your husband has a point!

Kathreen · 10/04/2021 19:19


I don't think they are expensive because of the benefits they offer. Pikler triangle is one of the ideal Montessori toy build specially for the development of gross motor skills like grasping, climbing etc. They also help in the development of self confidence. And there are lot more benefits ,so if we keep in mind these benefits then these are not expensive at all.
If you want then you can read their benefits, prices and some DIY plans on this website. visit now. However, I think it takes time and effort , some woodworking skills and some instruments as well to make a DIY pikler triangle so it's better to go for a new one as per your requirements.

It's on.Be prepared
Kathreen · 10/04/2021 19:11

This toy is very good. Yeah, it's expensive but it is very helpful for children and anything done unsupervised for children is dangerous, if you keep an eye on your children, then you shouldn't worry about its safety.,
If you have the budget you should go for it and If you are unable to afford it you can always go for the DIY. Check this out:

Isabella709 · 10/04/2021 18:45

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CoffeeDay · 09/04/2021 15:12

Mine was also a panic impulse buy when the second lockdown began and it definitely helped a lot since we don't have a garden. I got the slide as well and it's like a small indoor playground. DD loved it for the first few months but sadly got bored eventually and now it's been packed into the cellar of our in-laws house. Under the circumstances it was worth the money but it wasn't the magic holy grail that I was hoping for.

GoToSleepBabyPlease · 09/04/2021 15:08

We took out a Whirli subscription and got one from there. My toddler loved it for about 2 weeks and then got bored of it so we swapped it for other stuff. She'd use it for a little while but we didn't really have the space for it to be up all the time. Also, if they slip on it and a limb goes through a gap as they fall, there's a real risk they'll break a bone.

Kathreen · 09/04/2021 15:03

Yes definitely, I bought this for my 3-year-old and this toy is amazing. Visit for more details :

Camomila · 13/02/2021 09:44

I was contemplating getting one for DS2s first birthday but in the end went for a £35 Argos folding slide. DS2 loves it and so does DS1 (almost 5). When not in use it fits in the cupboard we keep the hoover.

Thegoldgrind · 13/02/2021 09:36

Bought a Pikler Triangle with slide from Etsy for DD's first birthday! She really loves it and plays with it a lot, it's also a big hit with DS4! It was more expensive than a plastic slide but it's very sturdy and well built and easily folds away 👍🏻

maryberryslayers · 13/02/2021 09:16

Yes, we got our DS a triclimb for his first birthday and it's been very much played with over the past year and a half. We've since got him the slide/climbing wall for it which he loves.

My DH admitted to being a bit sceptical at first (although he would never dream of commenting on or trying to control what I buy) but when he saw our little one crawl over and climb it safely well before he could walk he was very impressed!

I'd definitely get a triclimb or other well known brand rather than an Etsy one as you can guarantee its safety and craftsmanship.

user1493494961 · 13/02/2021 09:04

I'd just buy a Little Tikes slide, £40ish (at the time), my DGS had one in the house over winter and it was moved to the garden in the summer. It's still there and being used by subsequent children 9 years later.

JammyDodgersandPeas · 13/02/2021 08:59

We've just got a Triclimb, I was expecting the 3yo to love it but I'm most impressed with how much the 8 yo loves it! It's obviously going to have a lot of longevity. The weight limit is so high that I can sit on top of it and join in their play. We've got a slide in the garden and two parks close by, but it's absolutely freezing and the grass is a quagmire so it's nice to be able to have some exercise inside!

AnaisNun · 13/02/2021 08:55

Everyone I know who has one, says it’s the best thing they’ve bought their babies.

They look quite nice too, so not like having enormous paw patrol flashing musical plastic tat in the living room (which gets on my nerves, and I’m quite relaxed generally about toys etc).

If DS were a very little younger, I’d have scraped the money to buy one. As it is, he’s scaling all the furniture all the time anyway ... much to the detriment of the furniture Envy

StopMakingATitOfUrselfNPissOff · 13/02/2021 08:51

Ah yes I agree with making sure you buy a good one. Ours was from rainbows and sawdust and is sturdy and chunky. It did cost about £350 for the triangle and slide though

AaronPurr · 13/02/2021 08:09


There are some good DIY instructions here!

I'm not a DIY expert at all. By the time i've bought all the tools / materials and suffered cuts, bumps, and drank several bottles of wine as well as eating enough chocolate to help numb the trauma, I think paying the extra to buy one would be a sensible decision. Grin

Good luck to all those with the skills to build their own. 🍷🍫
RosaBaby2 · 13/02/2021 08:06

We got our triclimb when lo was 8 months, we have slide now and love it. Go for it!

Twilightstarbright · 13/02/2021 08:05

Similar to a PP, I'd buy one that has been robustly safety tested. We have a triclimb and I chose it for the testing and the high weight limit. 8m old baby loves it as does 3.5 yo DS. I'd definitely buy it at this stage.


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Lifeinaonesie · 13/02/2021 08:02

I wouldn't. I've had one DC that would never have used it, always more into books and intricate fine motor things rather than gross motor, and another Dc who is so into climbing that a Pikler would only serve its use as a starting platform to climb the bookshelves

Poppins2016 · 13/02/2021 08:01

There are some good DIY instructions here!

strawberriesontheNeva · 13/02/2021 07:59

Can't you just buy a cheap plastic slide to go in the garden?

I almost bought a similar product a year ago but saw sense at the last minute.

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