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Board game like pandemic? Collaborative game play?

36 replies

RainMoon · 21/12/2020 23:04

Looking for a board game like pandemic where you all kind of play on the same team towards the same goal rather than against each other. Any suggestions?

OP posts:
TakeMeToYourLiar · 22/12/2020 18:42

I've bought DH code names duet for Xmas for this purpose

Cooperative for 2 adults.

Plays in 30 minutes so we may find more slots to play it around kids than some other games we have

RainMoon · 22/12/2020 18:45

Thanks all for the suggestions! Really useful, maybe I’ll get one per lockdown 🙂
@BlueStarRose I don’t think ours is, off to google!

OP posts:
RainMoon · 22/12/2020 18:50

@BlueStarRose pandemic legacy looks good!

OP posts:
RainMoon · 22/12/2020 18:53

Flashpoint seems a good shout as I’m struggling to find it to buy online! Can find the expansion packs but not the base game

OP posts:
Bells3032 · 22/12/2020 18:57

Forbidden Island or forbidden desert are great.

We have recently bought horrified and absolutely love it. It's based on the old scho horror movies eg Dracula and the invisible man and you have to save a village from them.

If there's a group. Of you try hanabi or magic maze.

I've also heard great things about mysterium though haven't tried it

Ginius · 22/12/2020 18:59

Castle Panic is great!

Blueemeraldagain · 23/12/2020 00:46

You can play Ravine with two players, just take 9 hearts (lives) each rather than 6 (essentially split the third player between the two). Just DP and I play fairly often. Co-operative games that work well with two players are more unusual as I think most game designers assume that if someone wants a co-op then they will be playing with a group?

Reallynotavailable · 23/12/2020 01:39

Forbidden Island can be played with two people, I think? It's a great game.

NowellSingWe · 23/12/2020 02:03

Zombicide (if they can cope with the theme, mine played from 10 I think)

Justbenice1 · 23/12/2020 02:19

The forbidden series is great. The new one is forbidden sky which you build an electrical circuit to win, which is so cool.
Flashpoint is great too as pp mentioned.
Mansions of madness brings out your inner geek. It's brilliant using the app on a tablet to take you through the story. Quite heavy going though for non gamers...
Arkham horror series is very good too if you like the more complex horror games.

I've bought gloomhaven, but think I'll try gloomhaven jaws of the Lion to begin with. Work my way up to the full gloomhaven game.

Highly recommend sherlock Holmes series. Got all of them, they're great to sit together with a glass of wine!

ImNotMeImSomeoneElse · 23/12/2020 03:43

Elder Sign is pretty good. Can also be played solo.

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