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Not sure if this should be in sporners corner or medical but WTF is up with my nipple (pic)

16 replies

Allwhiteeverythin · 19/11/2020 12:26

VERY cropped pic!!

What are these spots. They are really sore. I tried squeezing but it’s really painful

Sorry for breast pic MNHQ delete if necessary!

Not sure if this should be in sporners corner or medical but WTF is up with my nipple (pic)
OP posts:
BitOfFun · 19/11/2020 23:18

You’ve implied in your title that it’s just one breast affected- have I got that right, or is it both?

Gancanny · 19/11/2020 23:08

I agree that they need to be checked out. They're new, they're painful, both of these things warrant an appointment.

They're more than likely nothing to worry about and you'll be sent home with some reassurance and a sheepish feeling but just in case they are something that's a problem, the sooner it's known about the better.

BitOfFun · 19/11/2020 22:57

It is not wasting an appointment. You have described a painful change to your breasts, which you haven’t experienced before. That is exactly what doctors‘ appointments are for.

Allwhiteeverythin · 19/11/2020 21:09

Hot bath did nothing Sad

I don’t want to waste a doc appt, will give a week or so to settle down

OP posts:
Spottybluepyjamas · 19/11/2020 12:41

Yes I wonder if they're blocked - have a hot bath with a hot compress. If they don't get better then I'd see your GP - hope they feel better soon!

BitOfFun · 19/11/2020 12:39

I would get in touch with the GP- any change in your breasts should be checked out.

Allwhiteeverythin · 19/11/2020 12:38

I’ve breastfed about 8 years total and never had these before, could they be blocked?

OP posts:
PucePanther · 19/11/2020 12:38

Montgomery glands can get inflamed sometimes, a hot bath helps.

Spottybluepyjamas · 19/11/2020 12:36

They're Montgomery glands - don't squeeze them! They get bigger when you're cold/ turned on/ pregnant/ breastfeeding. They're to help babies know where to feed from. If they're definitely new, or painful then maybe see a GP to put your mind at rest, but look like Montgomery glands to me

TeddyIsaHe · 19/11/2020 12:35

Are you pregnant by any chance? Mine came up massively when I was.

Allwhiteeverythin · 19/11/2020 12:34

Normal for them to be so painful? It hurts just brushing against them.

I’ve had 4 kids, never had this before even when breastfeeding

OP posts:
Allwhiteeverythin · 19/11/2020 12:33

They are new and were sore before I squeezed

Hot compress?

OP posts:
Strawberrycreamsundae · 19/11/2020 12:33

Absolutely normal, leave them alone!

LoseLooseLucy · 19/11/2020 12:31

Don’t squeeze them 🤦‍♀️

Nookable · 19/11/2020 12:30

Are they new? First thought would be Montgomery's glands which are normal but they shouldn't be sore.
Possibly stupid question but were they sore before you started trying to squeeze them?

Rodders92 · 19/11/2020 12:30

They look like montgomery glands ,you shouldn’t squeeze them

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