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Lost the hamster

45 replies

Barryanne · 18/11/2020 22:58

I've just been woken up by my 6 year old son who has informed me that his hamster isn't in the cage. What the hell am I supposed to do now? There's a million places this hamster could be and I haven't a clue where to start looking or when it went missing. I'm also absolutely exhausted and not in the mood for a hamster search right now. I can't believe I'm asking this at 11pm but does anyone who has ever lost a hamster have any advice? Or even if you haven't lost a hamster help would be very much appreciated. If you were a hamster where would you hide?

OP posts:
WhereverIGoddamnLike · 27/11/2020 00:00

Think of the stories that hamster will have to tell!

littlealexhorne · 26/11/2020 23:51

Great news! Clearly she fancied some arts and crafts time?!

WindblowingSW · 26/11/2020 21:28


Found the hamster! Tahlia the hamster was found in with the arts and craft supplies and is now safe back in her cage! Thank you for the advice everyone

Oh excellent news. Lock on cage now!
WindblowingSW · 26/11/2020 21:28


Unfortunately the best time to find them is night time. We found ours by everyone being quiet while I sat at the top of the stairs reading a book until I heard the scratching noise, I went and followed the scratching noise until I found the hamster behind a chest of drawers, ripping up the carpet making its self a nest.

many times I have done this. About 11pm. Water and food out on landing etc
Barryanne · 26/11/2020 21:26

I didn't hear her, I was just looking for some paint and she just so happened to be there!

OP posts:
Hailtomyteeth · 26/11/2020 17:26

Well done! One of mine went free-range for six months.

RightYesButNo · 26/11/2020 17:24

Congrats! How ever did you end up finding her?! I don’t even own a hamster, haven’t owned one for ages, I’ll never end up needing to use this knowledge, but I’m curious what worked (I’m assuming you either heard her, or randomly pulled out the arts and crafts for some other reason and found her there). So glad she was still with us on this side of the Great Hamster Divide Grin

TheRubyRedshoes · 26/11/2020 16:00

Wow did you find her by accident in there or did you hear her!

Barryanne · 26/11/2020 15:31

Found the hamster! Tahlia the hamster was found in with the arts and craft supplies and is now safe back in her cage! Thank you for the advice everyone

OP posts:
MrsGulDukat · 21/11/2020 18:59

Our hamster Rocky escaped his cage.

We treats that he liked it every room in the middle of the floor and closed all the doors. The treats went missing in the kitchen and DD found the little shit by the fridge.

He was furious with us. How dare we catch him!

DuckonaBike · 21/11/2020 18:31

We had one that got behind the skirting board into the wall, climbed up inside the cavity wall and nearly made it to the loft! My parents were woke at 5am by the scrabbling and my dad had to climb up and rescue her. It was a week or two after she had disappeared. So don’t give up hope. Good luck!

sueelleker · 21/11/2020 17:27


One time we left the cage out with food in it to see if they would return. They did from behind the fire place!

Ours did that when we were kids; managed to get under the Parkray fire, goodness knows how.
Barryanne · 21/11/2020 13:37

Yes, I have had a chat with my son, I think he may have been playing with the hamster and didn't shut the cage properly afterwards. I've checked under furniture and sweeper his room and so far I haven't found her yet. I'm still looking though!

OP posts:
RightYesButNo · 21/11/2020 12:26

Er... I’m not suggesting you get all MI6, but have you had a semi-serious talk with the six year old by this point? You said you feel fairly sure they were probably playing with the hamster since they were confident hamster was downstairs and not in their room. It’s possible they might have dropped the hamster while playing, it was well enough to get away, but is now injured under furniture. I would sit the six year old down, tell them you won’t be angry, but you need to know exactly what happened with the hamster so that you can get it back safely.

Maybe time to start lifting some furniture.

SeaKingdom · 21/11/2020 10:48

My sister’s hamster was an escapologist when we were young. We used to get the cat to look for it, but you had to keep a close eye on the cat and swoop in before it made contact!

NoToast · 21/11/2020 10:46

Our gecko has got out three times, being a little cold blood he makes for under the freezer for the warmth. Maybe your hammy has run there? Good luck.

Barryanne · 21/11/2020 01:29

Still no sign of our hamster! I've put out spinach leaves and similar things but she hasn't turned up yet.

OP posts:
shinynewapple2020 · 20/11/2020 14:03

Did you find your hamster ?

Caught DS lost hamster by putting cage down on floor (at night) with food in the cage and the door open .

I dozed on DS bed until I heard the sound of him moving about and going into his cage to get the food , then quickly shut him back in

ChiaraRimini · 20/11/2020 13:47

I once found ours, covered in pesto, in the kitchen bin 😆😆😆 she had been having a whale of a time.

JuiceyBetty · 19/11/2020 18:36

Our runaway was behind the fridge. Always. I left food just in front of the fridge and he'd come out and I'd grab him. Little git.

CtrlU · 19/11/2020 15:58

When my hamster used to go missing - he would always run in my walk in wardrobe and hide or he would hide in the airing cupboard

Put out a few spinach / lettuce leaves and if his like my hamster - he will come running out very soon

Alwayssleepy1234 · 19/11/2020 15:52

We had loads of hamsters when we were younger. We discovered that the baby Syrian hamsters are able to squeeze through the bars so we had to make sure they were a bit bigger. When they did get out they were usually near something fabric like the curtains or sofa as they could chew on something. Most likely you'll hear them when it gets dark but they'll be sleeping during the day. I'd check in corners and under furniture with a long handle brush or mop as it should encourage them to come out. Good luck!


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Jjou · 19/11/2020 15:45

Years ago one of our hamsters crawled into the hole at the front of my dad’s hifi speaker, pulled all of the padding inside around herself and made a nest.
Another crawled under the gas fire (fortunately not lit!) and came out all black and sooty.
Most just scurried under sofas/behind bookcases and could be enticed out with yogurt drop treats or fresh veg. They are little sods.

WitchesBritchesPumpkinPants · 19/11/2020 15:32

Don't give up, the van take days/weeks to get back. My friends was missing 6 months & just turned up one day.

They found, over time, she was surviving mostly on carpet!!! Lots of nibbled patches.

She just turned up sitting in her daughters bed one day!! 🐹

Deathraystare · 19/11/2020 15:27

One time we left the cage out with food in it to see if they would return. They did from behind the fire place!

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