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Michael Gove V Sarah Vine

36 replies

justasking111 · 01/11/2020 14:16

It is puzzling especially today when Michael Gove told us lockdown could continue beyond December 2nd a gut blow when lockdown does not start until next week, yet his wife has an article printed backing us in our despair. How does this marry do you think. Should Sarah back her man or be the voice of dissent, or is it all a game??

OP posts:
BringMeTea · 01/11/2020 21:55

SwedishEdith I think same.

wheresmymojo · 01/11/2020 21:44


He is surprisingly dynamic in person and quite tall. Much taller than Boris.

And as any reader of Popbitch will know, he's INCREDIBLY well-hung, apparently.


Not envy obvs
TheSpottedZebra · 01/11/2020 21:22

He is surprisingly dynamic in person and quite tall. Much taller than Boris.

And as any reader of Popbitch will know, he's INCREDIBLY well-hung, apparently.

wheresmymojo · 01/11/2020 21:07

I've just caught up on their daughter's Tik Tok posts.

Yeah...she's reacting pretty much how I would have at her age with Sarah Vine & Gove for parents Grin

Michael Gove V Sarah Vine
Anotherthink · 01/11/2020 21:02

She's a bit italian for thinking that it's ok for (others to) die at a younger age and risk covid? Confused

mumsiedarlingrevolta · 01/11/2020 20:57

OP def Sarah Vine

Ifailed · 01/11/2020 20:55

Vain and Gove are a match made in Heaven. I doubt very much that they don't collude in their media utterings, and she is so hoping that he takes over when Johnson quits next year.

Bluntness100 · 01/11/2020 20:53


He is surprisingly dynamic in person and quite tall. Much taller than Boris.

It’s weird isn’t it. He doesn’t look tall. Keir stammer is seemingly five foot nine like Boris, where as Cameron was over six foot, and Blair was about six foot too.
TartanDMs · 01/11/2020 20:48

He also has a clammy limp handshake, but impeccable manners.

wheresmymojo · 01/11/2020 20:48


And genuinely think he’s punching there.

I find that quite an unusual take on SV. I see them as perfectly matched. I've always assumed there was an element of convenience around them.

Same here.

Head Girl & Head Boy of Slytherin no?
CovidClara · 01/11/2020 20:44

He is surprisingly dynamic in person and quite tall. Much taller than Boris.

Bluntness100 · 01/11/2020 20:44

Her articles about Meghan Markle were vile and racist

To be honest, I didn’t see those.

SwedishEdith · 01/11/2020 20:42

And genuinely think he’s punching there.

I find that quite an unusual take on SV. I see them as perfectly matched. I've always assumed there was an element of convenience around them.

CovidClara · 01/11/2020 20:36


I quite like Sarah vine too. I can’t for the life of me work out what she sees in Michael gove. And genuinely think he’s punching there.

She comes across as intelligent and forthright, and him a bit wet mouthed and sneaky. I suspect she wears the trousers in that relationship.

However that statement she wrote when he turned against Boris during brexit about how they were holding the fate of millions in their hands or whatever was really disturbing she thought that noth she and he were that powerful. I guess they both got a fright and learned a lesson though after that mess though.

She is just Piers Morgans' puppet
Her articles about Meghan Markle were vile and racist
beachyhead · 01/11/2020 20:32

Their daughter is Bea Gove, very busy on TikTok.....

midsomermurderess · 01/11/2020 17:26

Kellyanne Conway is a devoted Trump spokesperson, she of the 'alternative facts' comment. George is a Republican but implacably opposed to Trump, involved in the Lincoln Project working to get him out. Dinner must be interesting round theirs.

Bluntness100 · 01/11/2020 16:27


There is nothing redeeming about Michael Gove. Not a single thing.

Agree, there is nothing warm about him. I suspect he’s likely very intelligent, and I also suspect he is trying to do what in his opinion is for the best, but he is simply not someone you can warm too. Too officious I think.

I’d be very surprised if he was behind the leak, I would hope they got enough of a fright the last time with the brexit thing to stay out of the spotlight for the wrong reasons. You never know though. But I think he’s just too officious to do it. Sarah I could imagine doing it though but don’t think she’d risk his career like that.

I do hope they find out who it was. It was ridiculous and unnecessary. However it could have been someone told someone who told someone. Who leaked it.
AdoraBell · 01/11/2020 16:17

I don’t agree with everything that DH agrees with. Both of us are individual people, we both have opinions. Sarah Vine can her views.

Foxyloxy1plus1 · 01/11/2020 16:13

There is nothing redeeming about Michael Gove. Not a single thing.

Bluntness100 · 01/11/2020 15:54

I quite like Sarah vine too. I can’t for the life of me work out what she sees in Michael gove. And genuinely think he’s punching there.

She comes across as intelligent and forthright, and him a bit wet mouthed and sneaky. I suspect she wears the trousers in that relationship.

However that statement she wrote when he turned against Boris during brexit about how they were holding the fate of millions in their hands or whatever was really disturbing she thought that noth she and he were that powerful. I guess they both got a fright and learned a lesson though after that mess though.

Topseyt · 01/11/2020 15:53

She is allowed to have and express her own opinion, which doesn't have to match that of her arsehole husband.

I guess that mealtimes in their house could be interesting.

I quite like the article, though I am not actually a fan of the Fail.

Fluffycloudland77 · 01/11/2020 15:46

It’s not a source of arguments if you hold different views, dh and I are poles apart on abortion laws, politics, & neither tries to change the other’s mind on the subject.


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justasking111 · 01/11/2020 15:24


Hi Sarah!

Hi @Splodgetastic wish I was Sarah have you seen how much weight she has lost Grin
OP posts:
justasking111 · 01/11/2020 15:23


I read an article of Sarah's where she said something along the lines of willing to risk dying younger of covid. Makes sense now.

I think she is italian maybe her mind set is a little different from the brit one.
OP posts:
AldiIsla · 01/11/2020 15:17

I read an article of Sarah's where she said something along the lines of willing to risk dying younger of covid. Makes sense now.

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