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Are you a crier?

51 replies

RiveterRosie · 28/09/2020 11:33

If you are, what things (besides from obviously sad things) make you cry?

I've just listened to a soprano singing "They call me Mimi" from La Boheme and it was so beautiful I found myself in tears. I often cry if I hear a piece of very beautiful music.

If you are a crier do you feel embarrassed by it?

OP posts:
Shadow1986 · 28/09/2020 19:24

I don’t cry much at things aimed at me, someone can be really awful to me and i don’t cry but I do cry very easily at everything else. Music, tv, the news, I seem to have more empathy for other people than myself!

ClinkyMonkey · 28/09/2020 19:52

Oh, another reason I cry - same as a few other pp's - anger and frustration. That's definitely the worst, because it looks as if you're hurt or upset when you're not. Being misunderstood is awful.

Doje · 28/09/2020 19:55

Lots of things make me cry, but I try to not put myself in those positions!

Music and singing makes me cry.

Anything to do with war. I just immediately think what they went through and I sob. I didn't get through the first 5 minutes of Saving Private Ryan before we had to turn it off. I'm terrible at funerals - even those I'm not close to. And combine funerals and songs....! Gah! I have to make myself think about what I'm going to make for dinner to stop thinking about death.

When I'm tired I cry, when I'm frustrated I cry. When I'm angry I cry!

But actually, the last time I cried was back in April when I cried about being shit at home schooling, and that was all tied in with being overwhelmed with the whole Coronavirus 'thing'.

Anthilda · 28/09/2020 19:57

@Shadow1986 that's exactly what I'm like! I can tolerate people being mean to me and will rationalise or brush it off. But I get really really sad about the things other people/animals are going through in life.

I used to cry loads as a child and teenager, now I feel like I've never cried for a long time, even when feeling deeply sad.

Phillycheesesteak · 28/09/2020 19:58


JayAlfredPrufrock · 28/09/2020 20:01

I cry at bloody anything.

Dds most used phrase us ‘Are you crying Mum?’

Probably started when I tried to read Black Beauty to her.

Oh Ginger 😰😰😰

Deadringer · 28/09/2020 20:01

I have always kept my feelings to myself and never cried easily, but since my brother died 2 years ago i seem to cry a lot, nearly every day and often over silly little things. I hide it though, would hate anyone to see me upset, i find it embarrassing .

MJMG2015 · 28/09/2020 20:08



You beat me to it!!
Phillycheesesteak · 28/09/2020 20:12


TheLovleyChebbyMcGee · 28/09/2020 20:14

Yep, I cry when I'm angry, it's so frustrating!!

MJMG2015 · 28/09/2020 20:15

I didn't used to be, but a few things have happened and now it's like my body is full of tears and spill over frequently.

I cry over tv, books, adverts!

I cry at 'the thought' of things, but cope much better when they actually happen

It bothers me the most when I'm angry or frustrated and people think I'm hurt or sad etc.

People avoid talking to me about things I'd like to talk about, because I cry and they don't want to upset me, what they don't understand us that I'm already upset - talking & even crying doesn't make that any worse (better if anything) but even once I've explained it oriole don't understand.

SallySeven · 28/09/2020 20:15

Oh op I cried hearing that on the broadcast of the ENO performance last week.

I cry for all sorts but music gets to me a lot.

merryhouse · 28/09/2020 20:25

@thelegohooverer have you read The Snail and the Whale? I go all gulpy on that one Grin

showgirl63 · 28/09/2020 20:30

I agree cry occasionally at work - late 50s and never found a cure so now know to excuse myself ASAP if I feel it brewing.

Outside of work I'm an empathetic cryer - any film, tv programme or news programme where someone, anyone, cries and I'm off. I often think I missed my calling as an actress or a professional mourner as I can just remember someone else crying and I'm off.

My worst crying event was watching a stupid film about talking dolphins where I literally cried tears like a cartoon character that came out of my eyes and missed my cheeks: OMG I'm tearing up just remembering "Fa loves Pa"!!

namechangedjustforthis10 · 28/09/2020 20:38

I never used to be. Took a LOT to make me cry, and even then it was usually in private.

Since having a child though I find myself bawling at the most ridiculous things and inconvenient times.

In the cinema watching The Lion King, and Abominable are most memorable. Especially when DD loudly announced it (and she'd never seen me cry) Blush

AFireInJuly · 28/09/2020 20:43

Yes, I cry a lot but generally only in private. Things that make me cry include: books, films, adverts, newspaper articles, YouTube videos, thinking about something sad and/or lovely.

My last public cry was when I went to visit my godson when he was about a week old. He was asleep in my arms and suddenly opened his eyes and looked straight at me. I fell apart. I think that’s what got me the part of godmother...

tothesea · 28/09/2020 20:46

Oh my God @showgirl63 I don’t know anyone else who saw that film. I think it was called Day of the Dolphin and it destroyed me as a child. Even my ‘stiff upper lip’ Dad wiped away a tear and he never cries! ‘
Pa! Pa!

RosieLemonade · 28/09/2020 20:47

I cry at so much. My worst thing is that if I see anyone cry I start joining in. It’s really embarrassing and makes the situation about me rather than them. I hate it but can’t help it.

showgirl63 · 28/09/2020 21:16

Tothesea - that's the one, 1973 release so I must have seen it a few years later on TV and as I say, never again have I had to hold a tissue a good inch off my cheeks to catch the absolute fountain of tears.

I've encountered dolphins in the wild several times since then and always hope that one will be Fa and he'll talk to me 😂😂

Fred578 · 28/09/2020 21:23

Damn it! Someone beat me to the Sistine Chapel comment!

Franticbutterfly · 28/09/2020 22:15

No. I rarely cry. Although I always get a lump in my throat when I hear a bunch of kids (or sometimes adults) singing Christmas songs.

MintyYogaTea · 28/09/2020 22:18

I find it hard to really.cry,.so no. That aria from La Boheme is stunning though.


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lazylinguist · 28/09/2020 22:18

No, I almost never cry. The last time I remember crying was about 2 years ago when I really hurt myself. I'm not a purposely 'stiff upper lip' type, I'm just not given to outbursts of emotion!

tothesea · 28/09/2020 22:26

@showgirl63 I bet we watched it at the same time on TV. It was definitely the 70’s and I certainly never saw it again on TV. The bit where ‘Pa’ has to tell Fa to go away and that he doesn’t love him ...but he actually does he’s just trying to save him....waaaahhhhh!

DoTheNextRightThing · 28/09/2020 22:38

Everything. Happy? Cry. Sad? Cry. Angry? Cry. Frustrated? Cry. Struggle to lift a heavy object? Flop onto bed and cry.

Titanic, Scrubs, Eva Cassidy's version of Fields of Gold, the news...

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