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Smoke and mirrors

15 replies

doubtingthom · 27/09/2020 04:45

I have NC for this ... a friend from university (we're talking more than 20 years ago) has landed herself a very prominent job. She's all over twitter and the media being very pleased with herself. We haven't been in touch for years and years. In the things she is claiming about her career there are a number of things she is saying about herself that just aren't true. Jobs she's done and projects she's worked on that didn't happen. And I know this because at that time I was in the same field and I know either who was or I know that she wasn't there - she was hanging out down the student union with the rest of us. Wouldn't bother me if it wasn't for the insufferable amount of smug she radiates. Oh and the fact that she is being heralded as a model for women when she has been deeply unsupportive of other women in her career. Very much the woman who likes to be the only woman in the room.

OP posts:
StillDumDeDumming · 27/09/2020 09:11

It is quite staggering the people that are like this. But then I see from the responses here that lying to get ahead is kind of expected Shock

I see people over promoted because they talk the talk but then move on fairly quickly to the next thing before all their ineptitude really comes home to roost.

I am guessing OP that you’re not that way inclined- me neither. I think well, my work and CV are real and that has to be worth something more than this fantasy window dressing?

FippertyGibbett · 27/09/2020 08:13

I assume she’s a politician, and apparently they lie all the time. So nothing new there !

Sargass0 · 27/09/2020 08:11

How do you know what they've done if you knew them 20 years ago?

SpecialWGM · 27/09/2020 07:16


when she has been deeply unsupportive of other women
You sound very similar.

How is knowing and calling another woman out as a liar unsupportive to women in general? MN makes me shake my head at times.
accccc · 27/09/2020 05:45

Unless the claims she is making will harm people (unlikely) I would ignore.... Or just delete her off social media?

Work persona and actual personality are often two different things.

doubtingthom · 27/09/2020 05:32

I'm not unhappy. Well not about this anyway.

OP posts:
Ivalueloyaltyaboveallelse · 27/09/2020 05:26

Let it go, concentrate on yourself and you will be happier.

doubtingthom · 27/09/2020 05:18

A discussion.

OP posts:
hownowbrowncow123 · 27/09/2020 05:18

Genuine question: What exactly are you hoping to achieve with this post?

doubtingthom · 27/09/2020 05:17

Oh god. She can have her moment. But it does make me question credibility in general v

OP posts:
doubtingthom · 27/09/2020 05:16

I'm not naming her. She is in the public eye and she is publicly making claims that aren't true. I'm not going to support dishonesty from a woman or a man.

OP posts:
hownowbrowncow123 · 27/09/2020 05:13

Honestly, let her have her moment. I wouldn't waste any energy on this.

wilmathewilywombat · 27/09/2020 05:09

Your thread is hardly supportive, you are bitching about her on a public forum.

doubtingthom · 27/09/2020 05:05

Not at all. The opposite in fact.

OP posts:
wilmathewilywombat · 27/09/2020 05:02

when she has been deeply unsupportive of other women
You sound very similar.

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