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If you have massive boobs what do you wear when not wearing a bra?

41 replies

Bridecilla · 26/09/2020 22:17

As the title really. I hate swinging free but equally dislike staying in a bra all evening

I'm a 34hh so need support though!

OP posts:
killerofmen · 27/09/2020 20:32

A keep clear sign

EltonJohnsSunglasses · 27/09/2020 20:26
willloman · 27/09/2020 11:09

highly patterned shirts - distract 'em from the truth Grin

Zippetydoodahzippetyay · 27/09/2020 11:07

I have an H cup at present. I usually sleep in a crop top but spend the rest of my life in a bra.

Bluesheep8 · 27/09/2020 07:43

I only have it off when I’m showering

Grin, sorry, couldn't resist

chromis · 27/09/2020 05:15

I wear underwire during the day, and nonwired at night. I get uncomfortable and sweaty without a bra.

My current unwired favourite is Bravissimo Nova.

TheRattleBag · 27/09/2020 02:04


The super-comfortable Anya bra from John Lewis. I recommend ditching the padding inserts.

They sell seamless bras very similar to this in Boyes. I got my first one a couple of days ago, and it was only £4 (£5 if you wanted the padded version).

I'm wearing it right now, working from home on a night shift (when you don't want to be trussed up in a proper bra but don't want to be unfettered either!)

Worth a look if you have one local to you.
mozzrules · 27/09/2020 01:31

Uniqlo bra tops - they are supportive enough to wear around the house and comfortable enough to sleep in too //

Spanielmadness · 27/09/2020 01:00

Not enormous but I’m a D and I never wear a bra other than when running. I hate wearing bras.
Yes, you can tell I’m not wearing one. No, I don’t care. They are horrid, restrictive, sweaty things. Free The Nipple, I say!

maras2 · 27/09/2020 00:57

Chanel No. 5.

QueenOllie · 27/09/2020 00:14

Crop top from here

redlockscelt · 27/09/2020 00:11

Why do you need support in bed, that's what a mattress does. I'd never wear a bra in bed, it's not good surely

MotherofTerriers · 27/09/2020 00:09

Bravissimo sleep bra to keep them in the same room as me

SuzieCarmichael · 27/09/2020 00:00


LaurieFairyCake · 26/09/2020 23:58

Never without a bra

RefriedBeanz · 26/09/2020 23:56

I’m a 32H and take my bra off as soon as I get home. I got some hidden support vests and wear those at home and overnight most of the time. When it’s super hot, though, I just hang free as much as I can!

Appuskidu · 26/09/2020 23:21

Molke-they are so comfortable.

AutumnSuns · 26/09/2020 23:18

Sleep bra. Never braless unless shower. Wear them during the day if not going out and sleep in them too. Too uncomfortable to be braless

Kerberos · 26/09/2020 23:17

Vest top without a boob shelf works well for me. 38F.

Time2change2 · 26/09/2020 23:16

Can never sit around braless. Feels horrible. Only braless for washing and sleeping and even then like a vest with a built in support

Bridecilla · 26/09/2020 23:13

Hanging free = sweaty underneath Envy not envy!

Will Google vests with boob shelf

OP posts:
YouBringLightInToADarkPlace · 26/09/2020 23:08

Vest top with inbuilt boob shelf. Always.


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Lozz22 · 26/09/2020 23:05

Let em hang free if I'm at home.

Jpowe · 26/09/2020 22:58

Nothing let them hang

caughtalightsneeze · 26/09/2020 22:54

I only go without a bra in the shower. But for sleeping I wear a Primark sports bra. It would be utterly useless as a sports bra as it provides very little support. But it's stretchy and comfortable.

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