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Feel a bit sad

10 replies

AIBU22 · 15/09/2020 19:31

Been to stay with a friend for a few nights who has a beautiful new baby, a gorgeous home in a lovely area and a fab husband. Had a great time but now have returned to my empty house, family at war, don't really know what to do this evening and just feel a bit sad and lonely. End up feeling like this a lot of evenings.

OP posts:
AIBU22 · 16/09/2020 14:07

@Sunnydaysstillhere yes such a struggle and some days are harder than others. Today is a hard day. The only person I have to speak to is a specialist counsellor but at 60 quid an hour I can only afford it about once a month.

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Sunnydaysstillhere · 16/09/2020 11:48

Remember as much as this place is full of vipers there is good support here too.
I wish mn had been around when I was younger.. I have no family or friends except dh +dc. It is tough. Dealing with family fallout is a big deal alone.

AIBU22 · 16/09/2020 11:39

@Sunnydaysstillhere I've got a really frightening situation going on plus siblings who aren't speaking to parents and step parents. Siblings accusing me of things I haven't done. Living alone and trying to deal with it all on my own is proving very difficult. Makes me miss my kind understanding ex. And crave the sweet little family my friend has with a wonderful partner and beautiful little baby in their cosy little life.

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Sunnydaysstillhere · 16/09/2020 11:36

Op similar family situ here. Learned a few sad facts last night - things worse than I thought.
On the bright side I bet you get more sleep than your friend is!.
Make time to do something for YOU today.

AIBU22 · 16/09/2020 11:34

Thanks everyone. I think I'd feel a bit better if my family wasn't completely at war. And I'm not sure if my family will ever be okay again.

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HMSSophie · 15/09/2020 22:04


Aww BrewThanksI know it's so hard not to compare but you really mustn't - your friend might have all sorts of struggles you can't see and she might be envious of things in your life. I know it's so hard to see it though when you feel lonely.

What do you enjoy? What do you usually do in the evenings that is fun? I'm currently reading my way through the Patrick O'Brian novels, I have them all on kindle and I'm on book 11 at the moment. I have to keep googling nautical and bird-related words I don't know!! It's fab - and then I'm going to rewatch Master and Commander with dishy Russell Crowe which was based on the books!

xiao omg those are my books to save in the event of a house fire ... best series ever. EVER.

Sorry to hijack the thread.
RedPandaFluff · 15/09/2020 21:30

I remember that feeling, @AIBU22 - but things can change, and sometimes they can change quite quickly and when you least expect it.

I echo the PPs who have said that everyone has their struggles. I remember a friend (who was worn down and exhausted from struggling with three young children) confiding that she was really envious of my apparently carefree and happy lifestyle - lazy Sunday brunches and after-work drinks in the city with friends etc. Little did she know I was heartbroken from yet another failed IVF attempt and would have given anything to change places with her.

imissthesouth · 15/09/2020 21:21

Hi @AIBU22
Sending my love, it's a tough time for us all lately, are you going to work or anything so you get socialisation out of the house? How about taking up a hobby or meeting up with friends. Until I had my kids i used to feel super lonely at night as DH would work. HugsThanks

Emancipated · 15/09/2020 21:17

Hello lovely,

I’m sad too. My life is nothing like it should be.

Remember that everything isn’t as rosy for your friend as it appears. Everyone has their own shit they’re dealing with. Everyone.

Xiaoxiong · 15/09/2020 20:14

Aww BrewThanksI know it's so hard not to compare but you really mustn't - your friend might have all sorts of struggles you can't see and she might be envious of things in your life. I know it's so hard to see it though when you feel lonely.

What do you enjoy? What do you usually do in the evenings that is fun? I'm currently reading my way through the Patrick O'Brian novels, I have them all on kindle and I'm on book 11 at the moment. I have to keep googling nautical and bird-related words I don't know!! It's fab - and then I'm going to rewatch Master and Commander with dishy Russell Crowe which was based on the books!

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