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Have no one else to share with so...

105 replies

goodnewstoshare · 27/08/2020 20:16

I have some good news and have no one to share with so thought I'd post here.

I'm from an abusive background and am estranged from my family. I won't go into too much detail but to cut a long story short, reading saved my life. I read and read and read. I had one goal and that was to be a writer. I've always been very passionate about writing and wrote because I love it, never really wanted to do anything else.

I found out yesterday that a publisher wants to publish my novel. I haven't seen the contract yet so at the moment, it's not real if you see what I mean. But I needed to share the news with someone. Smile

OP posts:
Oly4 · 28/08/2020 09:27

This is wonderful news! Well done. I’m so sad though that you have nobody close to you you can tell

Jocasta2018 · 28/08/2020 09:37

That's brilliant news! 🥳🍾📚
Please keep us updated on publishing details, etc.

BlackAmericanoNoSugar · 28/08/2020 09:40

Fantastic, really well done. I have a novel in my head, probably most people do, but the work needed to get it onto a computer is too much for me. So I'm really impressed with your hard work and persistence.

goodnewstoshare · 28/08/2020 10:32

Thank you all so much. Many of your messages made me cry as it's something I've wanted all my life, from a little girl.

For those who said keep going, it's not my first novel. I wrote my first novel in '97, this is my third. I'm currently writing a collection of short stories and a trilogy of novellas.

@SWnewstart Genre: Literary fiction/speculative fiction/Gothic.

If any of you know The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, that's the inspiration behind it. It's contemporary Gothic; a dark, supernatural horror. My past influences everything I write.

For those who are struggling to write, it's hard. I don't think people realise how hard it is to write, never mind finish something. You just have to keep going.

I finished this book in 2018 (started in 2006) and it's only now a publisher has picked it up. The publisher specialises in Gothic fiction.

OP posts:
candycane222 · 28/08/2020 11:41

Oooh, absolutely love The Yellow Wallpaper. Your book sounds really exciting :)

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