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I've never been a person with fragile MH but this is getting to me now

27 replies

Grottyfeet · 03/08/2020 08:14

I'm 50 and have always thought of myself as resilient and able to cope with whatever is thrown at me. I've always dealt with stresses by finding a way to solve the problems I have some control over and learning to let the others go. I exercise daily, which helps. Throughout the "full" lockdown I counted my blessings, abided by the rules and made the most of things.

I didn't actually mind the lockdown, I could cope with that but I'm finding this relaxation really hard. The way everyone is interpreting the rules differently (to suit themselves) the infighting about whose fault it is about restrictions being tightened, the prospect of going "backwards".

I have quite a senior position and am responsible for the employment of around 120 staff. Usually, I take that in my stride, even though people are capable of doing the most ridiculous things Grin but I'm finding trying to comply with the rapidly changing government advice really very challenging.

I'm worried about my DCs' career prospects. They're both fresh out of education and had secured excellent positions but they're not looking so good now.

I'm really struggling to find a balance between being "sensible" and actually living a bit.

And this is me, who generally just gets on with it and sees the positive in things.

The MH of the nation must have absolutely gone to pot.

OP posts:
ChubbyPigeon · 03/08/2020 19:09

Its perfectly natural to be struggling in this situation.

I dont think it means you arent resiliant. Its a bit like expecting to get away with not greiving when someone dies. You are coping whether it feels like it or not

I am struggling too, I will be okay but finding things tough at the minute. I feel like we cant ever relax and just forget about it for 5 minutes.

PicsInRed · 03/08/2020 19:10

I think what some people see as "stress", others would consider an easy day, because the rest of their life is so horrifyingly shit.

The reason mental health is failing en masse is because suddenly many more people are encountering constant, real, adrenalin firing shit all day, every day, for months, until they break.

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