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Is this a mouse or a shrew

42 replies

MouseyMouser · 13/07/2020 14:34

Because my house is bloody overrun Angry

They are v bold. Think nothing of running around the living room even with 4 kids running around.

It’s a still from a video so a bit blurry but it looks too dark for a shrew, but nose too long for a mouse

Is this a mouse or a shrew
OP posts:
ItsSpittingEverybodyIn · 13/07/2020 15:21

I think I'd try to see where they are coming in and out and then seal it with expanding foam or something? I definitely couldn't hurt them!

breathingok · 13/07/2020 16:40

They are near impossible to kill/catch anyway
We had traps (Humane and non humane), sticky paper, everything. They avoided everything we did to try and get rid of them took ages

MouseyMouser · 13/07/2020 19:42

Yep I’ve tried everything.

They don’t go near poison. Not interested in any kind of trap. Tried pushing them out with a broom a la Tom and Jerry, they just disappear down a floorboard.

Not sure most people would want to live with critters running around their feet, i don’t think it’s unreasonable!

OP posts:
Davros · 13/07/2020 19:46

It's a shrouse

Davros · 13/07/2020 19:47

It's a shrouse

Davros · 13/07/2020 19:47

Or two

monkeyonthetable · 13/07/2020 19:55

Shrew. Pointy nose. When our cat brings them in and drops them they don't run away, They stand up on hind legs, point their noses to the sky to get as tall as possible and tell him to nob off. It's admirable.

PickAChew · 13/07/2020 20:01

Apparently they like bacon, peanut butter and hot dogs!

Goodoldfashionedploverboy · 13/07/2020 20:03

It's a shrew. They can be dark greyish as well as brown.

TheHighestSardine · 13/07/2020 20:30

Looks like a shrew. They're basically harmless in the house, they eat insects, slugs and worms rather than rummaging your cereal and shitting in it.

Very odd behaviour coming indoors though - almost no food and they're usually the most frightened things. Is it a mouse with a false nose?

Awwlookatmybabyspider · 13/07/2020 21:42

Oh how cute is he.....❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Awwlookatmybabyspider · 13/07/2020 21:43

His little pointy nose. 😍😍😍😍😍😍

Gingaaarghpussy · 13/07/2020 21:52

I believe that cats wont eat shrews. My cats never did when they caught them. I saved one from my cat once and the ungrateful bastard bit me.Grin

Beamur · 13/07/2020 22:15

Shrews are feisty.
Apparently they don't taste very good so cats don't eat them. My cats very occasionally kill one and bring it in, but infrequently. Mice on the other hand are very tasty.

Decorhate · 13/07/2020 22:29

A family member has also had a recent shrew invasion in their house. They have never even seen them in their garden before & are in a rural area. Their neighbour also has found some in their shed. Wonder if there is a shrew population explosion?

MouseyMouser · 14/07/2020 00:04

How interesting! We are also rural-ish.

Has Covid mucked up the food chain somewhere?

And for that matter, what food chain do they sit on?!

OP posts:
2020wasShocking · 14/07/2020 00:07


Congratulations - you have some new pets Grin

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