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Best Baby Night Light

8 replies

NightLight99 · 28/04/2020 13:06

Relative has just had a baby. We have been asked to get a night light. Having Googled, there seems to be an infinite number of possibilities.

Does anyone have any recommendations for a good one? We could spend up to about £50.

Thanks in advance.

OP posts:
EmmaHi · 28/04/2020 16:43

Hi, I just use one from B&Q, a white plug in one, does the job just fine and I’m sure it was only £10

PippaPug · 28/04/2020 17:02

I have 10 week old twins and we didn’t think we needed a night light and would just use our phone light, big mistake!

I ordered this at 3am:

And love it - perfect little egg light which is portable so that I can put close to baby when changing nappy in the middle of the night and I can change the brightness and the main penguin is plugs into the mains and the light is also adjustable it’s perfect, one of our best buys

NightLight99 · 28/04/2020 17:45

Thank you both for your suggestions!

OP posts:
Eeyoresstickhouse · 28/04/2020 17:47

I used a Himalayan salt lamp when she was younger and now I use a lava lamp (she is a toddler obsessed with hot lava!)

bookish83 · 28/04/2020 18:57

I use the schnuggle light. It has a strap to carry around and also glows different colours depending on the room temperature. Nice glow and not too bright.

It was about £25 I think!

maryberryslayers · 28/04/2020 19:27

VAVA £20 from Amazon. It's the perfect night light. You tap it on/off and just hold your finger on it to dim up/down. White or yellow light. It's rechargeable but only needs charging every couple of weeks. It's perfect on low for night feeds and then turn the brightness up for nappy changes if needed.
I use ours for story time now DS is 18m, it's safe for babies and children so he taps it on himself. One if the best baby purchases I made.

thismushroom · 28/04/2020 20:07

From ikea SPOKA a little round thing with a face. Rechargeable and easy to put wherever needed. Soft glow in static colour or colour change if you want. Has lasted 7 years so far and is still used. Cost about £15 or a bit less. In 2 shapes one goes green/blue colours and the other red/orange colours.

NightLight99 · 28/04/2020 20:09

Thank you! Off to check these out!

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