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What toys engage your 2 year old?

27 replies

stickman12 · 30/03/2020 14:59

Please help! What toys engage your (just turned) two year old?

I'm finding nothing keeps his attention for long, is there anything you get out if you need a good 10/15 minutes quiet?

Thank you?

This thread is quite old now so some of the suggestions may be out of date, but if you’ve landed here looking for toy ideas for two-year-olds, we’ve recently updated our best toys for 2-year-olds page with lots of great options, as tried and tested by Mumsnet users and their kids. We hope you find it useful. Flowers

OP posts:
deste · 30/03/2020 23:07

Painting, she would paint all day long. Dolls house, Duplo, dolls, pram, etc. Feeding them, putting blankets on them and then taking them off. Toy kitchen, climbing up and down the stairs.

deste · 30/03/2020 23:09

She also like to look at animal webcams, pandas, penguins and especially whales for some odd reason.

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