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Are you a 'shoes on' or a 'shoes off' household?

240 replies

chocolatesaltyballs22 · 26/11/2019 08:46

We are strictly shoes off. We walk around in bare feet and I hate the thought of walking in outside dirt all over the house. MIL is coming to stay this weekend. She hates having to take her shoes off and there's this alwau this awkward moment at the front door when I ask her to take her shoes off (even though everyone else is doing so, so she should really just follow suit). She believes that floors should be hoovered/mopped every day anyway so why does it matter.....oh if only I had the time to clean every day - my cleaner does it once a week and that's it!

So I was just wondering if I was a bit OCD or if this is the norm?

OP posts:
BadLad · 28/11/2019 09:29

My wife is Japanese, so off here. Visitors too. Anyone who disagrees can stay outside.

Other people's houses, I ask the host as I walk in.

whyamidoingthis · 28/11/2019 08:17

@Bluelightdistrict - what age is your baby? The health visitor should definitely know better. Any benefits to soft play for a baby can be easily replicated at home/in the park/etc.

isabellerossignol · 28/11/2019 07:55

Wow I’m really shocked that people would walk into someone’s house without taking off their shoes 😱 I would be horrified! Gross and so rude!

If you've been reading the thread surely you must have noticed some people saying that they were brought up with exactly the opposite belief? That it was rude to take your shoes off?

TheElfFellOffTheShelf · 28/11/2019 02:31

That's disgusting. I don't want someone's smelly cheesy feet on my sofa! I'd rather that than dog crap 🤷

ilovepixie · 28/11/2019 02:03

I don't mind people tucking their feet in underneath themselves when sitting on the settee if that's how they feel comfy but I'd hate for them to do that with their shoes on!
That's disgusting. I don't want someone's smelly cheesy feet on my sofa!

ilovepixie · 28/11/2019 01:53

Shoes off! I have pairs of slippers just for guests, they're cozy & clean and I expect them to be worn.

So you buy new slippers for every guest?

FlashesOfRage · 28/11/2019 01:13

Shoes are permitted downstairs... what really gets on my tits tho is that DH wears slippers all around downstairs and then walks straight upstairs all over the cream carpet... and he can’t understand what my beef is 🤦‍♀️

Bluelightdistrict · 28/11/2019 01:10

@whyamidoingthis Yes! And not just family, the health visitor too, with no regard to my concerns around dc catching bronchiolitis again.

Thehagonthehill · 28/11/2019 01:05

My last house all hard floors,stone flags so shoes on.Present house new carpets so shoes on in hall or kitchen but off for the rest of the house.I will allow a quick scurry on freshly put in shoes now the carpets are less new though

abitlostandalwayshungry · 28/11/2019 01:00

Off. Always!

The same for guests. I have lovely house slippers for guests which i offer them instead of asking to take of their shoes. I then hover extremely awkward in the hallway so it becomes clear outdoor shoes won't happen in my house. My English friends take the piss for this all the time.

Lilmissmissy · 28/11/2019 00:30

Any carpet area- shoes off! Why have nice carpet for it to be ruined?
Any wood, tile etc- shoes off easy cleaned

Groovinpeanut · 28/11/2019 00:22

My house, my rules... If they come in they take their shoes off. If they don't like it they needn't come back. Smile
I don't know anyone who does allow shoes in their houses either.
I've never once had anyone complain or feel uncomfortable in our home.

ThisIsSunrise · 27/11/2019 23:19


WonderWomanBra · 27/11/2019 23:18

Shoes off!!

ilovepixie · 27/11/2019 23:15

I take my shoes off in my own home but that's my personal preference. My OH keeps his on. I've never asked anyone to take their shoes off and I've never been asked to take my shoes off. I think it's more an English thing taking shoes off. I live in Northern Ireland.

whyamidoingthis · 27/11/2019 23:09

@Bluelightdistrict - now I no longer need to explain to my family why I won't take my preemie to soft play

People are actually suggesting that? They are totally insane.

firesong · 27/11/2019 23:06

I take mine off and get my children to take theirs off at home. I don't tell visitors to do anything, and if they ask I say to do whatever is comfortable for them. If it's really muddy out people just take them off and yes, I might suggest it in that case if they didn't do it automatically. I don't think either way is gross or disgusting. It's just feet and floor.

When I'm a visitor I usually ask if I should take them off.

Icanflyhigh · 27/11/2019 23:04

Shoes 0ff!! We've not long moved to a new house with a brand new WHITE carpet 🙈🙈

Who puts a white carpet in a rented house??!!!
Poor DCs weren't allowed in the living room for the first month just in case and DP was made to strip in the hallway so no muck fell off his work stuff😂😂😂

Bluelightdistrict · 27/11/2019 22:54

Oh yuck EnvyEnvyEnvyEnvyEnvy(not envy)
Thanks for the link, now I no longer need to explain to my family why I won't take my preemie to soft play. Disgusting.

Treq · 27/11/2019 22:53

Shoes off but I live in a muddy/cow/horse/sheep shit area and I dont want it brought inside.

megletthesecond · 27/11/2019 22:52

Off! I don't want outside crud walked around my house. We're usually barefeet

It's also because I'm lazy and it reduces cleaning.

whyamidoingthis · 27/11/2019 22:49

Pressed post too soon. Here's the link for the ball pools.


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whyamidoingthis · 27/11/2019 22:46

@Bluelightdistrict - ball pools in soft play are absolute cess pits.

ChaiNashta · 27/11/2019 22:46

Shoes off - we've got carpets. I don't mind house slippers.

I actually don't know anyone from my culture who wears shoes in the house though. It's considered unclean to do so.🤷‍♀️

whyamidoingthis · 27/11/2019 22:44

@Whiteroverbaby - make sure you have extra sharp uneven slabs and rocks outside, it's apparently important for my babies/child's development.

I know you're new to all this sort of outdoorsy texture germ-ridden stuff, but there is a difference between helping your child's development by exposing them to different environments and trying to injure or kill them Grin

Developmentally appropriate is the tag line.

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