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What cakes for baking stall at fundraising fair?

57 replies

MotherForkinShirtBalls · 20/10/2019 21:20

What do you buy? I've been volunteered to organise the baking stall at a fundraiser next month. I've never paid much attention to it before so trying to work out what will sell. What's your top pick?

OP posts:
managedmis · 22/10/2019 01:13

Does Bara Brith actually taste of tea though?

Bloodybridget · 22/10/2019 02:21

@DonQuixotedelaMancha h'm, Turkish biscuit cake, you can really guarantee it's good Grin?

TheScruffyDog · 22/10/2019 05:01

Top hats, make sure there's top hats! It's the most popular here in Scotland!
(Bun case with melted chocolate then marshmallow stuck in then but if chocolate on top to stick a smartie onto) can sell individually for 20p it out a few in a bag for a quid.

I have never heard of these and had to Google as I couldn't picture that's tomorrow afternoon with a small boy activity sorted then! Well, no, twenty minutes of fun eating melted chocolate and then spend the rest of the afternoon clearing up what looks like a dirty protest more likely, but, I'm looking forward to it!

donquixotedelamancha · 22/10/2019 06:08

Turkish biscuit cake, you can really guarantee it's good grin?

The word on the street is that it's worth getting banned from MN for.

yearinyearout · 22/10/2019 06:11

Kids always used to go for the plain sponge traybake with icing and sprinkles on top, so I used to make a big one of those, along with a chocolate one with chocolate fudge icing, and a lemon drizzle one (popular with the adults)

MuseumOfYou · 22/10/2019 07:39

I just did a MacMillan coffee morning at work and made loads because we had a donation spot rather than a set price. People will pay for quality homemade cake, and unless your target audience is known for being mean you might just find people throw more in than the requisite 50p a slice

I did this once. Just the once. I was really disappointed how people took advantage. 🙁

MuseumOfYou · 22/10/2019 09:27

Big cakes always made the most money as you could easily charge over £3-4 for a Victoria Sponge sized cake

I make occasional cakes for a local tea room and it costs in ingredients, let alone time, shopping, oven costs etc about £3.60 to make a 4 egg 8" Victoria sandwich with raspberry conserve and vanilla buttercream. I use free range eggs and proper butter in the buttercream.

I sell mine whole for £10 and I think that's probably much less than minimum wage to make! I would weep if it was sold for £3-4 at a cake stall.

I am doing a stall this weekend at a village hall and I am going to cut mine into quarters and sell for £3 each. Still only works out at a pound for a generous slice. I have been asked not to sell single cakes/slices as they have their own refreshments and I don't want to undermine that so everything I sell will be already wrapped.

I don't think there is much of a market for people to buy a large cake on a whim, unless they have a large family! I think smaller portions are more appealing and sell better and for a better margin.

What cakes for baking stall at fundraising fair?
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