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Innocent pleasures

44 replies

rosegoldwatcher · 08/07/2019 19:24

There are few pleasures greater than putting on a new pair of box-fresh pajamas.
What small delights rock your world?
(Anyone who mentions ironing cannot be in my gang!)

OP posts:
OldSpeclkledHen · 13/07/2019 13:53

@BadLad I actually laughed out loud at your dogshit comment 🙈

wanderings · 13/07/2019 09:53

Another vote for walking in grass in bare feet - or putting on my slippers just after a shower.

The excitement of a game of netball.

DH wrapping my presents - our favourite pre-xmas or birthday ritual. The great thing about it is that he invites me to keep him company. Even though I'm blindfolded so I can't see what he's wrapping, I love hearing him in action. Wink

rydley · 11/07/2019 21:10

Watching TV. After a long day. Kids asleep. Patio doors open and a beautiful garden to see.

ArtichokeAardvark · 11/07/2019 19:50

Getting into a freshly made bed.
The smell of a fresh bag of coffee.
Having the house to myself.
A really really good book and time to read it!

BadLad · 09/07/2019 10:21

For the love of God WHY BadLad?

It doesn't make my day, but it does make me chuckle. Not on my doorstep, but in the street.

HellYeah90s · 09/07/2019 09:41

Swimming in the sea - I grew up 5mins from the sea and I don't have that luxury anymore.
Cocktail over looking the ocean
Playing in the snow with my kids
A decent flat white coffee (I am from NZ!)
Night before Christmas

YY to taking bra off, and also shoes (and in the winter putting on my slippers)

rosegoldwatcher · 09/07/2019 09:02

For the love of God WHY BadLad?

OP posts:
CherryPavlova · 09/07/2019 08:01

Fresh bedding, crisp and cool.
A mug of tea in bed in the mornings.
My husband picking me some beautifully scented sweet peas from the garden
A gin and tonic looking at the sea
Skinny dipping
Decorating the Christmas tree
The telephone showing the children’s numbers
Friends dropping by unexpectedly

BadLad · 09/07/2019 07:55

Coming across a dogshit with a shoeprint in it.

SnugglySnerd · 09/07/2019 06:56

I've thought of more...

Crunching through autumn leaves and picking up shiny conkers.
Buttered toast made by somebody else.
The excited looks on my dts' faces when I arrive to collect them from nursery.
Watching a small child blow out their birthday candles. I even fill up a bit at other kids' parties, not just my own!

powershowerforanhour · 08/07/2019 23:46

Somebody else drying your hair for you (hairdresser, husband, slightly inept 3 year old...doesn't matter...after 30 seconds my eyelids are half closed and I'm dribbling).

lololove · 08/07/2019 23:34

Getting into a warm bed with clean sheets in a freezing cold bedroom with rain battering on the window. Love!

Christmas - 1st December - 27th December. Everyone smiling, lots of twinkling lights, hot cocoa, seeing your breath in the air, dark nights, Christmas trees, decorations in the shops, Christmas specials on TV, Christmas dinner - everything!

(I'm not a summer person at all!)

wishing4sun · 08/07/2019 22:58

A mid afternoon bath I always feel really decadent.
Sitting in the sun with a book and coffee.
I walk to work and there's a lovely bit through the woods with sunlight streaming through,
Even better with a good podcast.

DontCallMeShitley · 08/07/2019 22:51

Cat running down the hall to greet me when I open the front door and hauling him up for a cuddle.

whattodo2019 · 08/07/2019 22:49

Fresh bed sheets
Mowed grass
The day the cleaner comes- especially if I've forgotten !
Waking up and realising it's the weekend- so tolling back over zzzz

WoollyMummoth · 08/07/2019 22:45

Sitting on the step to my garden with a coffee and the cat snuggled up next to me letting the soft rain fall on my feet.

StumpyinSomerset · 08/07/2019 22:42

Changing into ''my'' shoes as I leave work.
Bra off when I get home.
Smell of the washing while ironing it.
The first cup of tea of the day.
The smell of autumn.
The smell of the woods and the peace there.
The smell of creosote or hot tar.

LtJudyHopps · 08/07/2019 22:40

Clean sheets, freshly washed hair and shaved legs. Absolutely the best!

Warm fresh bread (especially tiger loaf) or french baguette.

The smell of sun tan lotion - especially piz buin!

rosegoldwatcher · 08/07/2019 22:38

Thank you all for your responses people. The list reads like an ode to joy. Wishing you all a sound sleep, dreaming of walking through grass in bare feet, with your bra off!

OP posts:
theorchidwhisperer · 08/07/2019 22:35

Walking under a tree canopy and glimpsing sunlight through the leaves.

ChihuahuaMummy1 · 08/07/2019 22:29

A new trashy celeb magazine to read when I'm alone.

A face mask whilst in a hot bubble bath

Snuggles from ds or dh

buttertoasty · 08/07/2019 22:24

Clean sheets, clean pyjamas and a hot shower. Do this every Sunday evening

Lighting a scented candle after cleaning the house top to bottom

Closing the door on a fully stocked fridge


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ittooshallpass · 08/07/2019 22:24

Floating in a swimming pool when heavily pregnant. (Haven't done it for many years, but will never forget how it felt.)

Ice cold glass of rose on a summer evening.

Turning on the Out of Office message to go on holiday.

Mokepon · 08/07/2019 22:20

The "Mummy!!" When I walk in from work.

Sitting in the garden and hearing nothing but the birds.

A really good scratch when you have an itchy back.

The smell from a BBQ.

The patterns behind your eyelids when you lie out in the sun.

A whiff of salty sea air just as you get to the beach.

MustBeAWeasly · 08/07/2019 22:18

When you've had your hair up all day and don't realise your scalp has been so uncomfortable until you pull your hair band out let it all down and run your fingers through it. Heaven

Also taking your bra off and having a free jiggle.

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