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Is it me or is this not a normal play date activity?

53 replies

ButterflyBitch · 16/05/2019 20:15

My son has been on a play date recently where he and his friend where sucking helium out of birthday balloons. He’s not quite 10.
Is it me or if this odd?
I’ve googled and think it won’t cause harm but it’s not ideal is it? Just a bit baffled that on a normal after school play date this was one of the things they did.
I don’t know whether to mention to the mum or not that I’m not overly happy about it. Confused

OP posts:
kateandme · 17/05/2019 08:27

me mum and dad did it when i was about that age with leftoever birthday balloon.really fun!

kateandme · 17/05/2019 08:28

i dont think its a deff danger as such.but something one the off chance can go your are putting yourself in a bit of risk.

Rangeloaf · 17/05/2019 08:35

I’m just perplexed at all the posters declaring it THE BEST FUN and such. Surely it’s just mildly amusing for 20 seconds? You need more real fun in your lives!!

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