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Heating your home in winter...

15 replies

Wintermonster · 11/02/2019 21:59

When heating your home this time of year do you

A - heat to a comfortable temperature whilst wearing an extra layer (slippers/jumper)

B- heat to a temperature which means you feel cosy whilst lolling about in T-shirt's and no slippers.

My DH is a member of the B group and it drives me potty.
I'm sure he is half lizard

OP posts:
3in4years · 11/02/2019 23:18

Loose Women debated this on Friday and said all women like it really warm. I like the house cool with a breeze. I hate feeling hot. I don't wear jumpers unless I'm outside and it's really cold. Usually I just put a coat on over my t shirt, but I would hate to have the heating on high.

Girlking · 11/02/2019 23:18

My heating is set at 25 degrees but I don’t leave it on for long . I have got triple glazing though which keeps the house warm for hours .

notdaddycool · 11/02/2019 23:13

Fortunately have a separate heating system on kitchen-dining-living room so that is warm (21) most of the day and bedrooms only am and pm so a bit hot is localised and not too expensive. Want to get a nest at some point to control it further.

Notcontent · 11/02/2019 23:05

A - but I have terrible windows, so even with the heating up full blast I am not sure I could achieve tshirt temperature...

Gilead · 11/02/2019 23:02

18, but I have a heated throw and chunky jumpers.

thatsmyspace · 11/02/2019 22:16

Mine is on 21.5 24/7 I hate being cold

ParkheadParadise · 11/02/2019 22:15


PrawnOfCreation · 11/02/2019 22:13

A for me. DH is b.

Dh is constantly turning it up, and on. He's the poor sod working all day to pay the bills, I have the job of making our budget work. He concedes to an extra jumper and I accept the gas bill as our biggest extravagance and budget around it.

anniehm · 11/02/2019 22:11

C, heat insufficiently even for jeans, thick woollen jumper and thermal socks so also wear dressing gown/ cover with blankets!

lucysmam · 11/02/2019 22:08

I love my blanket, and bed socks, and comfy cardi (It's rediculously big, would fit two or three of me, but very snuggly). The girls look at me like they expect me to be joking when I send them back upstairs to dress appropriately before I'll even consider putting the heating on Hmm

Mum2jenny · 11/02/2019 22:07

I'm perfectly willing to wrap up in a blanket,but it's not his thing!!!

Mum2jenny · 11/02/2019 22:07

I like the temperature to be above 19 degrees, but dh prefers over 22 degrees. So we do argue about it a bit!

Wintermonster · 11/02/2019 22:04

@lucysmam yes an extra layer on top of the extra layer is a preference of mine too.

There's something I find quite cosy about getting wrapped up in a blanket or getting a hot water bottle out.
An extra thick warm pair of socks or just making a lovely cup of coffee or hot chocoalaye

OP posts:
lucysmam · 11/02/2019 22:03

In fact, sometimes more than one extra layer before the heating goes on.

lucysmam · 11/02/2019 22:02


My children would pick option B if left to their own devices.

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