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What's the weirdest thing you've been served in a restaurant?

54 replies

Thisnamechanger · 16/12/2018 14:46

Waiting for a flight and terrified of flying so need some distraction!

We popped into a restaurant in Inverness before going to the airport...DP ordered a steak and cheese Mexican wrap... expecting a fajita type of thing...

What arrived was a HUGE wrap covered in cheese and what looked like heated up canned tomatoes, which contained beef stew and gravy, with cut up cocktail gherkins on the top.

Really odd.

How about you?

OP posts:
kmmr · 16/12/2018 21:46

My first ever night in Thailand - my friend and I were terrified so we ordered chips from the room service.

"Chips?" The guys asks?
"Yes - Hot Chips, with tomato sauce."
"Hot? Ohh...kaaay.."

We got a packet of crisps opened onto a plate with a silver cloche over it. Warmed up with tomato sauce all over them.

ivykaty44 · 16/12/2018 21:46

Fried bread with a delicious mushroom stroganoff

Sillybilly1234 · 16/12/2018 21:45

Duck flippers in China. Yuk. Would not recommend.

hopefullybettersoon · 16/12/2018 21:31

Eating at a fancy Indian restaurant and one of the in-between courses was a dish of little round things that they poured hot water over with a flourish and they began to expand. We thought it was some kind of cool food theatre. Luckily before we tucked in we realised they were actually flannels to clean our hands Grin

desperatelyseekingcaffeine · 16/12/2018 21:21

In a very pretentious restaurant on honeymoon, the whole meal was style over substance. The crowning glory was the dessert that we were proudly and excitedly told was scotchbrite. When the waiter saw our puzzled looks he pulled out a scotchbrite washing up sponge to show us! The dessert did look just like the washing up sponge - and didn't taste much better! Not sure why this was a selling point!

Pinkkahori · 16/12/2018 21:14

I'm irish and can confirm the 'baby bowl' is definitely a normal thing. It's often free in pubs that do carvery. My kids loved it.

JesusInTheCabbageVan · 16/12/2018 21:10

Would pig guts even look like unborn chicks? Confused

Ours was a whole loaf of bread in a beachside cafe in Dominican Republic. We ordered drinks, then asked (we thought) where the loo was - bano in Spanish. Turns out we said 'Where is the bread?' as soon as they brought the drinks. They obliged. We ate nearly the whole thing out of embarrassment.

WaterlooElephant · 16/12/2018 20:58

@Chewbacca I remember they were disgusting in any case. It was 30 years ago!

TroysMammy · 16/12/2018 20:46

Carrots, peas and broccoli still in the plastic bag in a Wetherspoons pub.

squishymuffin · 16/12/2018 20:45

My inlaws live abroad and we try to spend one month a year with them, last we went over in january and my dmil served us chicken in fish sauce, snails in fish sauce and mango in fish sauce, i cant stand fish so would have enjoyed all of it without the fish sauce im dreading going back as every meal is the same

Chewbecca · 16/12/2018 20:43

Luna chitterlings are pigs intestines, not unborn chicks.

Greenteandchives · 16/12/2018 20:40

Luna chitterlings are pigs intestines. Nothing to do with chick, unborn or otherwise.

SlowNorris · 16/12/2018 20:37

PenneVodka please name the country/place so I can avoid it Xmas Grin

Magstermay · 16/12/2018 20:32

Years ago I ordered Peking Duck in Beijing (thought I ought to!). Merrily tucked in then it gradually dawned on me that the duck still had it head and feet - literally a whole duck! Delicious though!

MrTumblesSpottyBum · 16/12/2018 20:32

Banana soup (very salty).

This thread reminds me of when Peter Stringfellow made olive oil ice cream on Come Dine With Me.


LunaLovegoodsRadishes · 16/12/2018 20:28

When I was a kid we went camping in Northern France and my parents took my brother and I to a restaurant which had no translations for the menu. Mum thought she had ordered chicken for me, but it was Chitterlings. Unborn chicks. I almost turned vegetarian that day.

LovesLaboursLost · 16/12/2018 20:27

In Moscow, just after it was possible for people from the west to visit. I was a child and the food was very, very bad generally. Lots of stuff in aspic. The culinary highlight was supposed to be a place which was going to serve us western food, including chips. The product clearly had involved potato and oil in some way, but I am not sure how they had combined the two. The potato was floppy and slimy and yet not really cooked. I might have cried.

bobstersmum · 16/12/2018 20:26

In Goa a chicken lollipop was a chicken drumstick, I don't know what I was expecting!

groundcontroltomontydon · 16/12/2018 20:23

A whole plate of mushrooms with a tiny cooked apple in the middle (the vegetarian option in a Russian hotel)

AviatorShades · 16/12/2018 20:19

fish of the day was mermaid GrinGrinGrin

Mesmeri · 16/12/2018 20:17

I once got in trouble whilst working as a waitress for telling my colleague that the fish of the day was mermaid. She apparently repeated it to several customers with a straight face before our boss overheard. We were both about 17.

imnottoofussed · 16/12/2018 20:10

They also had fish and chips but it was crisps instead of actual chips.


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imnottoofussed · 16/12/2018 20:10

Recently on holiday the all inclusive buffet had banana wrapped in bacon. I think they had confused pigs in blankets Confused I didn't try it.

MooChops89 · 16/12/2018 20:02

Fried ice cream! On hol in Malta with a friend when we were 17. The waitress sprinted out of the kitchen with it before it melted Grin

Tummelthecat · 16/12/2018 19:54

Lavender creme brulee. In France. Hope you are going somewhere that will serve you truly lovely food!

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