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How many WhatsApp groups are you in?

93 replies

GeorgieTheGorgeousGoat · 09/10/2018 20:43

I just counted up because it seems to be one of those evenings where quite a few of them are active, it doesn’t happen very often.

26 Shock

I can’t believe it’s that many but most are just practical and useful ones, such as a group of parents who lift share the kids to activities or other local childminders we can all pass enquiries on to.

How many groups are you in? Do you often mute or wish they’d go away? I don’t mind mine as no one really chats rubbish, it’s all necessary info.

OP posts:
3boysandabump · 09/10/2018 21:56

None I got sick of it saving all the pictures to my album and needed space on my phone so deleted it. Prefer messenger

GeorgieTheGorgeousGoat · 09/10/2018 21:58

You can change the settings so photos aren’t saved.

OP posts:
TillyVonMilly · 09/10/2018 22:00

I use messenger too but that’s only because I have a couple of friends who send me stuff on it. I’m unsure why WhatsApp is more convenient than text as I’ve never used it.

dangerrabbit · 09/10/2018 22:00


OvO · 09/10/2018 22:01

Just had a look so I could download and it seems it’s a phone app? I don’t have a phone. The iPad app just said to scan the doodah with my phone so I’m assuming it’s pointless for an iPad? Oh well.

adaline · 09/10/2018 22:07

None, I don't use WhatsApp.

People can text, call or FB message me.

GeorgieTheGorgeousGoat · 09/10/2018 22:09


OP posts:
Sgtmajormummy · 09/10/2018 22:11

All muted except the family.

DonDrapersOldFashioned · 09/10/2018 22:12

3, I don’t really use it

Sitranced · 09/10/2018 22:12

None. Unlimited text messages means I don't really need it.

OvO · 09/10/2018 22:16

Was that to me, Georgie?

I’ve quite possibly tried to download the wrong thing, I just clicked the first thing in the App Store. It doesn’t matter anyway, I’m a hermit so no ones ever trying to contact me! I was just curious.

LoniceraJaponica · 09/10/2018 22:18

Just one, which is inactive now. Hardly anyone I know uses WhatsApp. Friends either text or use Messenger.

GeorgieTheGorgeousGoat · 09/10/2018 22:27

No it was at the smugness some people seem to parade about their decision not to use WhatsApp. Bit odd.

Anyway, yes it’s a phone app. Not essential to life but useful all the same.

OP posts:
cannotmakemymindup · 10/10/2018 01:27

WhatsApp is good because of its peer to peer encryption so makes it safer to send personal details say bank accounts than email or text. Which regularly get spammed, spoofed or phished. It's definitely my preferred means for sensitive details.

I also love the voice notes. A little bit like marmite for some people though.

crumbsinthecutlerydrawer · 10/10/2018 01:36

I had it for work but it got ridiculous and after weeks of muting it I left. I’m in another one now but like others have said it’s inane crap and smiley faces so although I need to keep up with it for the important stuff that does make it through, most of it just ends up getting lost in the drivel.

I’m considering going back to having a non smartphone as I hate being available to people all the time.

LoniceraJaponica · 10/10/2018 06:56

Wow, some of you have loads of friends. Clearly I am unpopular.

TokyoSushi · 10/10/2018 07:10

14! Quite a lot of them are the same people, about different things! About 10 are very active, I sometimes wonder about employing somebody to manage my phone!!

adaline · 10/10/2018 07:27

What smugness?

I just don't get the point in having yet another app where people can contact me!

IncyWincyGrownUp · 10/10/2018 07:36

1 group, three people in it. Easier than constant text relays to each other.

Meet0nTheIedge · 10/10/2018 07:49

22 of which about 10 are defunct as they were for one-off events. Probably about 5 are active in any given week. They are pretty well all with the DCs parents for organising lift shares to Scouts, Guides etc, school year parents, there's a lot of overlap in the groups. Three are my groups of friends for organising my social life then there's a few random ones (allotment neighbours etc). I don't know how I ever managed without it TBH.

TillyVonMilly · 10/10/2018 08:08

Op, why do you consider people smug because they don’t use WhatsApp? As I said earlier, I can be contacted by phone, text and messenger.
I don’t own a microwave, I don’t need one as I’m perfectly able and happy to cook using other methods, I wouldn’t call that smug, I’d say me having a microwave is pointless.

LoniceraJaponica · 10/10/2018 09:12

I don't thin k a microwave is a good analogy for not using WhatsApp because WhatsApp replicates what many other forms of communication do whereas a microwave doesn't.

I use my microwave a lot:

Melting butter
Melting chocolate
Making chocolate fudge icing
Making the odd mug cake (Actually it is DD who does this)
Making porridge
Making custard if using custard powder
Reheating/defrosting frozen meals that I have cooked
Heating baked beans snap pots
Reheating tea/coffee/hot chocolate that has cooled down too much before I finish drinking them
Making popcorn
Disinfecting dishcloths and wash up sponges
Softening butter for baking
Warming tortillas
Toasting nuts and sunflower seeds
Starting off baked potatoes to reduce cooking time in the oven
Heating wheat bags


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Quickerthanavicar · 10/10/2018 09:17

None, save yourselves and your mental health.

ThomasShelbysBunnet · 10/10/2018 09:23

None - I bloody hate WhatsApp groups. Sitting there at the top of my conversations, even if they're muted, unable to hide them. I always leave them as soon as possible.

TillyVonMilly · 10/10/2018 11:04

Lonicera I’m glad you like your microwave Smile we got rid of ours years ago because it didn’t get any use.
I don’t understand why the op thinks that not using something, makes a person smug.

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